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Children is national future, their health grows the future that affecting whole society develops. However, the factor that affects children health has a lot of however, they come from the many respects such as the life, environment, nutrition and education. The article will undertake discussing in the light of these elements, combine real case to undertake an analysis, the hope can cause the attention with healthy to children society.

The influence of domestic environment

The family is the first school that children grows, domestic environment is having immediate effect to the health of body and mind of children. The children that lacks domestic warmth and care produces psychological problem more easily, the physiology that affects them even is healthy. And for the children of close to a few sheet family, impoverished family, the domestic environment that they may face domestic economy pressure, lack to stabilize, these metropolises produce negative effect to their health.

Dietary nutrition

Children period is to grow the important level of development, food is hidebound what can affect them directly is healthy. Because a few children are long-term partiality for a particular kind of food, carry feed wait for a reason, bring about hidebound, affect body development and immune force. Be in another some of area, dietary structure the onefold, nutrition source that lacks diversification, also bring a challenge to children health.

Environmental pollution

Air, water pollution is the menace that nots allow to ignore to children health. Expose the children below contaminative environment for a long time to suffer from respiratory tract disease, irritability disease easily to wait. Be in the area of a few heavy industry, area with serious pollution, children is facing the risk of congenital disease possibly even.

Education and social environment

Education and social environment also produce far-reaching effect to children health. Educational level the low, area that teachs resource deficient, children is faced with the opportunity inadequacy that accepts good education, affect them grow. The problem of abominable, security of society of social environment also can cause harm to the mental health of children.

Real case is analysed

For instance, the environmental pollution that XX visits some town is serious, one investigates discovery, sicken of disease of respiratory tract of this area children leads apparent prep above other area. Improvement was developed in place environment, after strengthening defended measure, the sicken rate of disease of children respiratory tract falls apparently, this proved the environment pollutes healthy to children influence adequately.

Survey another household, because parents leaves other, the child lacks domestic warmth and care for a long time, bring about child disposition dissocial, indrawn, study result and healthy all appear problem. Coach to fall with the help of domestic care in psychology, the child's situation takes a favourable turn somewhat.


Children health issue closes national tomorrow, we need from each respect joint effortses, improve children growing environment, raise a society to be spent to the attention of children health, create a favorable growing environment and condition for every child.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece article, the hope can arouse more person the attention of healthy to children problem, make more children healthy grow happily.

