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  1. 大堡礁: 作为世界七大自然奇迹之一,大堡礁绝对是澳大利亚的旅游胜地之一。清澈的海水中,五彩斑斓的珊瑚群和多彩的海底生物构成了绚丽的海底世界,吸引着无数潜水爱好者和海滩度假者。
  2. 悉尼歌剧院: 作为世界著名的建筑奇迹,悉尼歌剧院以其独特的帆船造型而闻名于世。在这里,不仅可以欣赏到高水准的音乐剧和表演,还可以一睹壮丽的悉尼港景色。
  3. 乌鲁鲁: 作为澳大利亚最具象征意义的自然奇观,乌鲁鲁因其大红岩石而闻名。日出和日落时分的乌鲁鲁更是呈现出变幻莫测的色彩,吸引着无数摄影爱好者和自然风光迷。
  4. 大洋路: 这是一条极致浪漫的海滨公路,沿途风景如画,蜿蜒穿行于澳大利亚东南海岸线上。无数壮丽的海岸、宁静的海港、迷人的小镇,都使大洋路成为世界著名的自驾旅行线路。
  5. 布里斯班: 作为澳大利亚第三大城市,布里斯班拥有温暖的气候和丰富的自然资源。这里有壮观的昆士兰博物馆、珍贵的考古遗迹和令人心旷神怡的阳光沙滩。
  6. 墨尔本: 作为文艺复兴之都,墨尔本不仅有着悠久的历史和文化底蕴,还拥有着国际一流的购物中心和美食街区。无论是古老的维多利亚建筑,还是现代的涂鸦艺术,都让墨尔本成为澳大利亚不可忽视的旅游胜地。
  7. 塔斯马尼亚: 这片被誉为“地球最后的一片净土”的地方,是自然生态保护的典范。在这里,你可以穿越丛林、徜徉沙滩、探索洞穴并近距离接触很多濒危物种。
  8. 堪培拉: 作为澳大利亚的首都,堪培拉不仅有着许多令人印象深刻的国家博物馆和文化场馆,还是世界各国使领馆的聚集地。这里的政治气息与艺术氛围共同构成了这座城市独特的魅力。
  9. 阿德莱德: 这座欧化风情的城市拥有得天独厚的自然环境和美食文化。在这里,你可以品尝到世界一流的葡萄酒和美食,还可以欣赏到壮丽的山水风光。
  10. 珀斯: 作为世界上最为孤立的城市之一,珀斯拥有得天独厚的自然景观和宁静的海滩。这座城市不仅有着现代化的建筑和设施,还保留着悠久的历史和文化传统。



Australian travel tourist attraction

Australia regards the Southern Hemisphere as the biggest island country, the natural landscape that having rich diversity and distinctive culture bequest. No matter be gallant big fort reef, grand Wululu, still be modern Sydney opern, allow each tourist forgetting to return. We let explore together below Australia, on the land that lengths and breadth of land in this, seek 10 swim surely greatly travel tourist attraction.

  1. Big fort reef: Regard the world as one of 7 nature miracles, big fort reef is one of travel resorts of Australia absolutely. In clear seawater, multicolored coral group made flowery marine world with colorful benthos, attracting the person that countless dive lover and beach go vacationing.
  2. Sydney opern: Regard world-renowned building as the miracle, sydney opern is famed with its distinctive caique modelling at the world. Here, can enjoy the melodrama that allows to Gao Shui and performance not only, still can see gallant Sydney harbor prospect.
  3. Wu Lulu: Provide the natural marvellous spectacle of symbolic significance most as Australia, wu Lulu because its are bright red rock and famed. The Wululu of sunrise and sunset time is to present an unpredicatable colour more, attracting countless photography lover and natural scene to confuse.
  4. Ocean road: This is the littoral highway of an acme romance, on the way the scenery is picturesque, winding cross go up at Australian southeast coasting. Countless gallant coasts, halcyon harbour, attractive small town, make ocean road is become world-renowned draw viatic line oneself.
  5. Bulisi class: Regard Australia as the 3rd big city, the class has Bulisi warm climate and rich rich. There is grand Kun Shilan here museum, precious archaeology is vestigial the sunshine beach with relaxed and happy making a person.
  6. Melbourne: Serve as renaissance, melbourne is having long history and culture inside information not only, still owning the shopping centers with top-ranking international and cate block. No matter be old Victoria building, contemporary still doodle is artistic, let Melbourne become the travel famous scenic spot that Australia cannot ignore.
  7. Dasimaniya: This is known as " a Sukhavati with final earth " place, it is the example that natural zoology protects. Here, you can pass through jungly, roam beach, explore burrow and close quarters contacts a lot of endangered species.
  8. Can earths up pull: As Australian capital, can is earthed up play the national museum that having a lot of making that the person is impressive not only and culture place, return be diplomatic and consular missions of world each country to collect the ground. The political breath here and artistic atmosphere formed the glamour with this picturesque town jointly.
  9. Adelaide: The city of this Europeanize amorous feelings has advantaged environment and cate culture. Here, you can taste savor world's top-ranking bishop and cate, still can admire magnificent landscape sight.
  10. Po this: As one of most isolated cities on the world, po this have advantaged natural landscape and halcyon beach. This city is having modern building and establishment not only, still preserving long history and culture tradition.

Above 10 swim surely greatly travel tourist attraction, without what did not reflect Australia to regard travel as the resort multivariate glamour. Hope this guideline can be you to provide a few helps in Australian journey, thank you read!

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