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The cruel that knows different type runs pet

Run in cruel in game, pet is an important role, they besides lovely exterior, still have all sorts of different character and capacity. Common cruel runs pet includesFeline Mi, Dog, Little BearEtc, their avery kind of has respective and unique technical ability and addition effect. When choosing pet, the game style that wants him foundation and demand will undertake choosing.

The action that pet skill runs to cruel

The skill of pet can produce main effect to game process. For instance, a few pet have acceleration technical ability, it is dangerous to can help a player escape in the moment of truth; And the technical ability that another some of pet may have gold coin addition, can help a player accumulate wealth quickly. Accordingly, when choosing pet, the game end that wants him foundation and strategy will undertake choosing.

Choose pet according to game style

If you like the sport of fast rhythm, can choose a few have the pet that quickens skill, they can help you pass roadblock quickly, achieve better result. And if you are valued more,develop for a long time, those pet that have technical ability of gold coin addition may suit you more. Anyhow, the game style that wants him foundation and preference will undertake choosing.

Pet nurturance and education

Once chose pet, be about to spend time and energy to have nurturance and education. Through finishing the job, attend an activity to perhaps use stage property, can promote the skill of pet grade. In the meantime, also should notice to be offerred to pet enough food and rest, the position that holds them is good, such pet ability run in cruel the play in game gives first-rate effect.

Thank you to read the article, the cruel that hopes to be able to help you choose to suit your runs pet, promote game the experience.

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