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  • 记得要洗干净蔬菜水果,特别是外面可能残留有农药的部分。
  • 生鱼片等生食品要选择正规渠道购买,并严格注意食品安全常识。



  • 遵守交通规则,提高安全意识。
  • 乘坐电梯时,注意礼让和安全。



  • 预防感冒,保持良好的卫生习惯。
  • 长时间使用电子设备时,注意适当休息,保护眼睛。




Common sense is the necessary edge tool in the life

In daily life, we always cannot leave all sorts of common sense. Arrive from dietary daily life healthy health care, from ability of field of human association take office, nowhere is not in common sense. Today, in letting us share a few lives together withCommon senseRelevant experience, the hope can bring a few small inspiration to everybody.

Food safety common sense

Above all, we should say provision is safe. In diet, some common sense may by everybody oversight. For instance, a lot of people know to want to wash a fruit, but to washing dish however often careless. Actually, the likelihood in vegetable remains have agriculture chemical, if incorrect clean, can cause an effect to health. In addition, a lot of people like to eat raw slices of fish meat, the danger of the helminth in giving birth to slices of fish meat however also nots allow to ignore, accurate edible method and food safety common sense are crucial.

  • Remember wash vegetable fruit clean, especially outside the likelihood remains the share that has agriculture chemical.
  • The unripe food such as raw slices of fish meat should choose normal channel to buy, notice food safety common sense strictly.

Traffic gives a common sense

Additional, traffic goes out also is the indispensable part in our life all right. Abide by the traffic regulation, responsibility that raising safe consciousness is everybody. For example, we always should notice the pedestrian crosses the safety of the driveway, advocate civilization to go out row. In the meantime, when riding elevator, also should notice to let first junior, ensure taken security is mixed smooth.

  • Abide by traffic regulation, raise safe consciousness.
  • When riding elevator, notice comity and safety.

Common sense of healthy health care

Finally, healthy common sense also is the part that must want to understand in our life. For instance, use the convention of medicines and chemical reagents, work and rest that keeps good precautionary cold, correctly to wait a moment, these are very important common sense. To using the person of electronic equipment for long for, also want to notice to protect an eye, avoid occurrence vision problem.

  • Precaution catchs a cold, hold good wholesome convention.
  • When using electronic device for long, the attention rests appropriately, protect an eye.

Altogether, nowhere is not in the common sense in the life, they resemble a key, can open a lot of doors in the life. Hope everybody can be in daily life add more advertent, learn all sorts of common sense ceaselessly, the life that lets oneself is more safe, healthy, good.

Thank you to read the article, the experience of life common sense that hopes we are shared can bring a few helps for your life.

