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安徽财经大学会计学院- 培养财会精英的摇篮英文双语对照


安徽财经大学会计学院- 培养财会精英的摇篮英文双语对照

安徽财经大学会计学院- 培养财会精英的摇篮









Institute of accountant of university of Anhui finance and economics - training money is met the cradle of elite

Institute of accountant of university of Anhui finance and economics, as bring the main component with big money, devote oneself to to foster top-ranking money to meet a talented person, carry the accountant professional of high quality for society and industry.

As provide quite inside the Anhui province famous one of spent institutes, institute of accountant of university of Anhui finance and economics is mixed through old effort accumulate, had formed mode of the education system with one perfect a complete set of and professional education. The institute pays attention to the union of theory and practice, offerred the special training course of rich and colorful, the real operation ability that develops a student and money will be professional skill.

In respect of force of persons qualified to teach, the institute has the pedagogic group of a Gao Shuiping, teachers have strong academic base already, have rich practice experience again, can provide all-around guidance and education for the student.

In addition, the institute still pays attention to course to consider, begin money actively the scientific research project of meeting domain, promote learning level and consequence ceaselessly.

The field is developed in the student, the institute encourages a student to participate in social practice and exercitation extensively, offerred substantial obtain employment natural resources and opportunity for the student, the profession that helps them get used to future better develops.

The place on put together is narrated, institute of accountant of university of Anhui finance and economics regards training money as the cradle of meeting elite, will continue to carry on good convention, ceaseless exploration innovates, for society and industry education more high quality money are met professional.

Thank you to read this article, the hope passes institute of accountant of university of understanding Anhui finance and economics, can understand money deep to major is taught and can develop pattern more, the school work that is future and professional program provide certain reference.

