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汽车气囊作为车辆 passively safety 控制系统中的重要组成部分,是许多车辆中的标准配置。它的主要作用是在发生碰撞时,通过快速充气形成缓冲,减少车辆乘员受伤的可能性。气囊通过在车辆受到冲击时迅速膨胀来分散撞击力,从而最大程度地减轻驾驶员和乘客受伤的风险。




汽车气囊最早出现在 20 世纪的六七十年代,当时只有简单的安全气囊系统。随着技术的不断进步,汽车气囊得到了快速发展,安全性能得到了大幅提升。如今,先进的汽车气囊系统已经成为了现代汽车 passively safety 的核心。







The action of car gasbag

Car gasbag controls the main component in the system as car Passively Safety, it is the standard configuration in a lot of car. Its main effect is when producing collision, form amortize through aerating quickly, reduce the possibility that the member that car is multiplied gets hurt. Gasbag bumps force dispersedly through expanding quickly when car is pounded, reduce the risk that driver and passenger get hurt to the greastest extent thereby.

The sort of car gasbag

Common car gasbag includes gasbag of driver's seat gasbag, deputy driver's seat, flank gasbag and curtain gasbag to wait. They produce effect below different collision situation, the member that multiply for car provides all-around protection.

The development course of car gasbag

Car gasbag appears the earliest in the 669 time of 20 centuries, there is simple safe gasbag system only at that time. As ceaseless progress of the technology, car gasbag got rapid development, safety performance got promoting considerably. Nowadays, advanced car gasbag system had made the core of contemporary car Passively Safety.

The use note of car gasbag

Although car gasbag can think driver and passenger provide significant protection, but in use also needs to notice a few item. Above all, the driver should use safety belt correctly, gasbag and safety belt are the safe device that supplement each other; Next, baby and cheeper should sit in back row seat, in order to reduce the harm risk that gasbag poses. In the meantime, after car happening collides, gasbag pop can produce high temperature gas, so driver and passenger should be far from the position of gasbag pop as far as possible.

The future of car gasbag develops

As the ceaseless development of intelligent technology, system of prospective car gasbag will more intelligence is changed and individuation, the body feature of the member that can multiply according to differring and car transport condition, offer more essence of life allows and protect effectively. In the meantime, the application of new material and new technology also will enhance the safety performance of car gasbag further.

Thank you to read the article, the hope lets you know the action of car gasbag and value more through the article, go out in safety for you the help is provided on travel.

