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An extended office bathroom break could be a thing of the past thanks to a new toilet that developers say will make people want to leave the loo after five minutes. 在办公室卫生间“小憩”即将成为历史。英国研发人员近日发明了一种新型马桶,能让人们在如厕5分钟后就想离开。 The 'StandardToilet', created by a start-up company of the same name, has been backed by the British Toilet Association (BTA), a group that campaigns for better bathroom facilities in offices and public spaces. 这种新型马桶名为“标准马桶”,由同名初创公司打造,受到英国厕所协会的支持,该组织致力于改善办公室和公共场所的厕所设施。 The Staffordshire based company says it has already had interest from local councils and motorway service stations for the 150 - 500 pounds toilet. 这家位于斯塔福德郡的公司表示,地方议会和高速公路服务站已经对这款价格在150英镑(约合人民币1375元)至500英镑之间的马桶产生了兴趣。 They hope to also target offices as they believe cutting down on the length of employee bathroom breaks would dramatically improve productivity. 他们还希望把这款马桶推广到办公场所,因为他们认为减少员工的如厕时间将显著提高工作效率。 'It is estimated that in the United Kingdom alone, extended employee breaks costs industry and commerce an 4 billion pounds per annum', Mr Gill said. 吉尔先生说:“据估计,仅在英国,员工长时间的休息每年就会给工商业造成40亿英镑的损失。” 'With the advent of flexible zero hour contracts it is easy to see why our StandardToilet can be an asset to a business.' “随着灵活的零时工合同的出现,我们很容易理解为什么‘标准马桶’对企业来说很有价值。” He says it provides health and wellbeing benefits through improved posture and encouraging less time sitting on the toilet. 他说,这款马桶可以改善人们的如厕姿势并鼓励人们减少如厕时间,从而有益健康。 'Medical studies have suggested that using the traditional WC can cause swollen haemorrhoids and weakening of pelvic muscles. “医学研究表明,使用传统的马桶会导致痔疮肿胀和盆腔肌肉衰弱。” 'The StandardToilet provides increased comfort through promoting the engagement of upper and lower leg muscles which helps reduce musculoskeletan disorders.' “‘标准马桶’通过锻炼大腿和小腿的肌肉配合,增加舒适度,有助于减少肌肉骨骼疾病。”

The toilet has been sloped at 13 degrees as it is inconvenient for the employee but not harmful, in fact it could have some health benefits around improving posture, according to Mr Gill. 据吉尔先生介绍,马桶的倾斜度为13度,对员工略有不便,但并无害处。事实上,改善如厕姿势可能对健康有益。 'Anything higher would cause wider problems. Thirteen degrees is not too inconvenient, but you'd soon want to get off the seat'. “倾斜程度越高,导致的问题越多。向下倾斜13度不会让人感觉不方便,但也不会想要在上面待太久。” He said he was inspired by time working as an engineer when he would find workers asleep on the toilet or from queues for public restrooms. 他说,在当工程师时,他发现有员工在卫生间里睡觉,公共厕所也要排长队,因此受到了启发。 A survey by Protecting.co.uk carried out in July 2019 across eight UK cities found that some people were spending up to 28 minutes in the bathroom while at work. Protecting.co.uk网站在2019年7月针对英国8个城市开展了一项调查,结果发现,一些员工在工作时上厕所的时间长达28分钟。 The researchers found that with the average bathroom break in a London office sitting at 28 minutes and 35 seconds, companies might be losing up to two and a half hours of working time per week for each employee. 研究人员发现,伦敦员工每天上厕所的平均时间为28分35秒,每位员工每周损失的工作时间可能长达2.5小时。 They worked out that at an average hourly wage in London of 12.78 pounds, this was costing companies 1533.60 pounds per year - per employee. 伦敦平均时薪为12.78英镑,因此他们通过计算得出,每位员工每年的“如厕成本”为1533.6英镑。 StandardToilet say their sloped solution would help to reduce employees social media use and improve productivity by cutting down on toilet time. 该公司表示,通过减少如厕时长,这款倾斜马桶将有助于减少员工使用社交媒体的时间,提高工作效率。 Not everybody agrees that toilet time is time wasted. 不是每个人都认为上厕所是浪费时间。 'Viewing time spent in the toilet as a threat is the wrong way of looking at the issue entirely,' Charlotte Jones, co-author of the Around the Toilet project, told Wired. “把如厕时间视为威胁,如此看待问题是完全错误的”,《围绕厕所》项目的合著者夏洛特·琼斯告诉《连线》杂志。 'I think the importance of the toilet as a refuge during the workday says more about inadequate workspaces, heavy workloads and unsupportive management, than it does about the workers themselves.' “我认为,卫生间在工作日作为避难所的重要性更多地体现出工作空间不足、工作量大以及管理不善等问题,而不是员工本身的问题。”
