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  • 挺身后屈:站立,将一只手伸直后放在身后,另一只手伸直抓住伸直手臂的肘部,然后缓慢向下施加压力。
  • 手臂肩部拉伸:直立站立或坐姿,将一只手臂伸出,用另一只手拉住上臂,然后轻轻向对侧拉伸,重复另一侧。
  • 肩部旋转拉伸:坐姿或站姿,将双手抱住胸前,然后慢慢将手臂向两侧转动。
  • 交叉手臂拉伸:站立,将一只手臂从下方伸向对侧肩膀,并用另一只手的肘部帮助施加向内的压力。



  • 动作要缓慢、稳定,避免突然猛烈的拉伸。
  • 保持呼吸平稳,不要屏住呼吸。
  • 拉伸到有轻微紧绷感即可,不要过度拉伸。
  • 每个动作保持15-30秒,重复2-3次。




Importance of humeral ministry drawing

In gymnastical process, correct humeral ministry drawing is crucial to preventing humeral ministry to get hurt. Humeral ministry is us one of the most frequent position are used in daily life, and it also is one of place that range of the biggest campaign needs in gymnastical activity.

Encyclopedia of movement of humeral ministry drawing

It is below a few common action of significant humeral ministry drawing:

  • Hold out body retroversion: Stand, will put in back after hand unbend only, another hand unbend holds the elbow of unbend arm, next slow use force downward.
  • Drawing of arm shoulder ministry: Erect stand or sitting position, extend an arm, help the upper arm with another hand, next gently to to side drawing, repeat another side.
  • Humeral ministry rotates drawing: Sitting position or station appearance, before holding both hands in arms the bosom, turn the arm to two side slowly next.
  • Alternate arm drawing: Stand, extend an arm from lower part to to side shoulder, the elbow help that uses another hand brings to bear on inward pressure.

Pose of correct humeral ministry drawing

No matter undertake why be plantinged movement of humeral ministry drawing, need to notice the following:

  • The movement wants slow, stability, avoid abrupt and violent drawing.
  • Hold breath smooth, do not want screen to live breath.
  • Drawing arrives have slight stretch tight closely feeling can, do not want excessive drawing.
  • Every movement holds 15-30 second, repeat 2-3 second.

Pass act of correct humeral ministry drawing, can decrease effectively to be opposite in gymnastical activity the injury of humeral ministry, and be helpful for add sarcous flexibility, improve gymnastical result.

Thank you to read the article, hope the gymnastical process to you helps movements of these humeral ministry drawing somewhat.
