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  • 1.车辆购置税的征税对象为购买应征税的新车、小客车和其他车辆的个人和单位。
  • 2.应征税的车辆种类包括汽油车、柴油车、混合动力车、纯电动车等各类机动车。
  • 3.购置税的税率为应税车辆的价格的百分比,汽车购置税税率分为征收比例有5%、7.5%和10%三档。



纳税金额 = 车辆价格 × 购置税税率




  • 1. 购买新能源汽车,根据国家政策可享受较低的购置税税率。
  • 2. 购车前了解购置税的征收标准和优惠政策,避免不必要的额外支出。
  • 3. 若条件允许,可以了解各地的政策差异,选择购置税税率较低的地区购车。



The car purchases duty computation: Unscramble policy of the taxation that buy a car and computational method in detail

The car purchases dutyIt is to point to buy homebred when the of all kinds motor vehicle with the entrance, the person that buy a car answers the taxes of pay. As the addition that the car consumes, purchase the inevitable expenditure when duty had made car of people choose and buy. Will unscramble a car to purchase the policy of duty and computational method in detail for you below.

Purchase tax policy

Basis " car of People's Republic of China purchases duty temporary regulations " , specific provision is as follows:

  • 1. car purchases the levy object of duty to be the individual that buys taxable new car, small passenger car and other car and unit.
  • Sort of 2. taxable car includes the of all kinds motor vehicle such as motor-car of benzine car, derv car, mixture motor vehicle, pure report.
  • The tax rate that 3. purchases duty is should the per cent of the price of duty car, the car purchases cent of tax tax rate to have 5% to collect scale, 7.5% with 10% 3 archives.

Purchase duty calculation method

The plan tax basis that purchases duty is should ratal, computational formula is as follows:

× of price of car of = of pay taxes amount purchases tax tax rate

When computation purchases duty, general meeting is used and the same price of sale bill mark is calculated. Those who need an attention is, according to national policy, it is certain to was adopted to car of new energy resources purchase duty privilege policy.

The duty that buy a car saves little skill

Buy the revenue expenses when the car to decrease, you can consider the following proposal:

  • 1.Buy car of new energy resources, national policy can enjoy the basis to purchase tax tax rate inferiorly.
  • 2.Those who purchase duty understand to impose standard and favourable policy before buying a car, avoid needless extra pay.
  • 3.If the condition allows, can know the policy difference of each district, the choice purchases the area with tax inferior tax rate to buy a car.

Unscramble in detail through above, the policy that believes you purchase duty to the car and computational method had clearer knowledge, also more can agile ground applies relevant policy to save expenditure. Thank you read, hope the article can understand to you and computational car purchases duty to bring a help.

