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  1. 自然纯净:农村地区往往环境优美,空气清新,水质纯净,与城市相比少了许多污染,给人一种清新的感受。
  2. 亲情浓厚:农村家庭多为大家庭模式,家庭成员之间的关系比较亲密,亲情浓厚,体现了中国家庭中的传统美德。
  3. 劳作辛苦:农村生活的劳作要比城市生活辛苦许多,农民需要繁重的体力劳动来耕种庄稼、照料牲畜。
  4. 生活质朴:农村生活节奏相对缓慢,生活质朴,乡村的风俗民情和传统习俗也更为浓厚。
  5. 社会交往:农村地区社会交往更为直接,邻里之间相互帮助、相互慰问,展现了一种友善和融洽的社会氛围。
  6. 孩子教育:农村地区的孩子可能面临着教育资源匮乏的问题,学校条件和师资力量相对较差。
  7. 医疗条件:农村地区的医疗条件相对滞后,医疗资源有限,就医不便利。
  8. 农村经济:相对于城市,农村地区的经济发展水平相对较低,生活水平也比较落后。
  9. 乡村建设:近年来,国家大力推进乡村振兴战略,农村的基础设施和生活环境正在逐步改善。
  10. 心灵安宁:与喧嚣的城市相比,农村生活给人一种宁静的感受,心灵可以得到更多的宁静和放松。




The 10 big sense of reality that the country lives suffer

The country lives, it is to point to what those live in the people of rustic region to live condition and lifestyle. In recent years, change the acceleration of the process as the city, the attention that people lives to the country is spent increase gradually. We will uncover the 10 big sense of reality that secret country lives to suffer below, let us understand together.

  1. Natural and pure: A rural area often the environment is beautiful, air is fresh, water quality is pure, compare with urban photograph little a lot of pollution, give a person a kind of pure and fresh feeling.
  2. Close feeling is strong: Rural family is big family mode more, the relationship between domestic member is closer, close feeling is strong, reflected the traditional goodness in Chinese family.
  3. Work painstaking: The country lives work should work hard than city life a lot of, the physical labor with farmer onerous need will cultivate crops, attend domestic animals.
  4. The life is simple: Rural life rhythm is relatively slow, the life is simple, custom public feelings of countryside and tradition are consuetudinary more grumous also.
  5. The society interacts: Contact of society of a rural area is more direct, between neighborhood mutual and mutual help, condolatory, showed a kind to be mixed amicably harmonious social atmosphere.
  6. Child education: The child of a rural area may face the problem that teachs resource deficient, school condition and strength of persons qualified to teach are relative poorer.
  7. Medical treatment condition: The medical treatment condition of a rural area is opposite lag, medical treatment natural resources is limited, seek medical advice is not handy.
  8. Rural economics: Opposite at the city, the economic progress level of a rural area is relatively inferior, standard of living is more backward also.
  9. Rustic construction: In recent years, the country advances countryside to revitalize the strategy energetically, rural infrastructure is being improved stage by stage with surroundings.
  10. The heart is quiet: Compare with blatant urban photograph, rural life gives a person a kind of halcyon feeling, the heart can get more halcyon and loosen.

Pass above uncover secret, we knew the true condition that the country lives in the round more. Rural life is having the advantage with natural and pure, close strong feeling already, also be faced with at the same time work the painstaking, challenge that teachs deficient. The hope is driven in what the country revitalizes the strategy below, the living conditions of a rural area will be better and better, also expect to more people can pay close attention to and show loving care for the development of a rural area.

Thank you to read the article, hope this article can bring more comprehensive to rural life knowledge for you.

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