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1. 莲花山:位于白洋淀东南部,山势宜人、风景优美。登山俯瞰,湖光山色尽收眼底。

2. 赛鱼河:白洋淀水系的主要出口,河水宽广流畅,沿岸风光秀丽,是休闲垂钓的好去处。

3. 白洋淀湿地公园:集观光、科普和休闲于一体,可乘坐游船游览湿地,近距离感受湿地生态环境。




  • 白洋淀地势较低,湿气较重,建议游客携带防雨衣物和防蚊用品。
  • 尊重当地风俗文化,保护湿地生态环境,做文明游客。




Regard Chinese north as the biggest fresh water laky one of, white foreign form sediment is mixed with its distinctive wet scene substantial biology natural resources and famed at the world. The article will introduce the travel strategy of white foreign form sediment for you, take you one explore the attractive place of this wet ground.

Traffic guideline

Set out from Beijing, can take Gao Tie perhaps go to before intercity bus white foreign form sediment. Gao Tieke is in Baoding railway station to get off, turn next the toward area of scene of white foreign form sediment place before multiplying is public transportation; Intercity bus can reach passenger station of white foreign form sediment directly, take place again public transportation or the taxi heads for scene area.

The tourist attraction is recommended

1.Lotus hill: Be located in ministry of southeast of white foreign form sediment, hill situation delightful, scenery is beautiful. Mountain-climbing looks down at, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains all stops eye ground.

2.Surpass piscine river: The main export of water system of white foreign form sediment, river water is broad and fluent, coastal scene is beautiful, it is the good place of recreational go angling.

3.Park of wet ground of white foreign form sediment: Collect sightseeing, popular science and recreational at an organic whole, can take yacht to visit wet land, close quarters experiences wet zoology environment.

Characteristic cate

Come to white foreign form sediment, might as well sample characteristic cate of place: Man of piscine bolus, fresh fish, lotus root is right choice. In addition, local farmhouse is happy the good place that also is experience place amorous feelings.


  • Relief of white foreign form sediment is inferior, damp is heavier, proposal tourist is carried the clothings that prevent rain and the things that prevent midge.
  • Respect local custom culture, protect wet zoology environment, become civilized visitor.

Thank you to read the article, the hope was the travel of your dialogue foreign form sediment to make a few beneficial introductions through the article.
