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The development course of science and technology of deep be convinced

Science and technology of deep be convinced is dedicated the company of new and high technology at information safety domain, held water 2003, headquarters is located in Chinese Shenzhen. The company establishs initial stage to basically pursue the research and development of network safety product and sale, expand of dimensions ceaselessly as the company, gradually sortie includes the field such as cloud safety, terminal safety, data security, safe operation.

The core technology of science and technology of deep be convinced and product

Science and technology of deep be convinced has multinomial core technology in information safety domain, include analysis of minatory information, behavior, big data analysis and artificial intelligence to wait, the product of the company covered firewall, inbreak platform of dimension of testing system, safe carry, terminal is safe the many respects such as management. Be in especially cloud safety domain, science and technology of deep be convinced depends on its deep technology actual strength and substantial product line, made a trade get army person.

The market position of science and technology of deep be convinced

As home famous information safety serves trader, science and technology of deep be convinced depends on its abundant technology actual strength and outstanding product quality, won the reliance of numerous client. The client of the company covered the many fields such as enterprise of business of industry of governmental orgnaization, banking, telegraphic operation, Internet, science and technology of deep be convinced has vast development space in market of safety of company level information.

The internationalization layout of science and technology of deep be convinced

Besides remarkable success is gained in home market outside, science and technology of deep be convinced also regards significant progress as direction internationalization strategy. The company already opened many abroad branches in and other places of southeast Asia, Europe, North America, extend an international market actively, offer for global client more major and comprehensive information safety solution.


The technical actual strength that science and technology of deep be convinced innovates continuously with its and outstanding product quality, leading information safety the development way of the industry ceaselessly. Future, accelerate ceaselessly as what digitlize a process, science and technology of deep be convinced will continue to develop get army the action of the enterprise, offer for the client ceaselessly more the information safety solution of on the safe side.

Acknowledgment reads article rule, believe to adopt science and technology of understanding deep be convinced, you are safe to information the development existing state of affairs of the domain and prospective trend had clearer knowledge.

