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Time to up your salt game. You can now harvest artisanal sea salt right on your countertop. 是时候提升你的“盐艺”了。你现在可以在自家料理台上收获手工海盐了。 Gourmet salts are having a moment. Sure, on one hand, table salt is just sodium chloride, and don't let anyone tell you differently. On the other, the crystalized, colorful finishing salts used by gourmet restaurants will often contain surprising flavors resulting from unique, localized minerals from where they were sourced. 美食家级别的盐现在迎来了风口。当然,在一方面,食盐只是氯化钠,这毫无疑问。而另一方面,美食餐馆里用的结晶彩色盐通常由于其产地独特的局部矿物质而风味惊艳。 Much like wine, these salts capture terroir—which is why the $1 billion gourmet salt market is seeing moderate but steady growth, projected to reach $1.5 billion by 2023. 和酒很像,这些盐有着独特的地方风味,这也是10亿美元的美食盐市场小幅而稳定增长的原因。到2023年,预计市值将达到15亿美元。 Now, you can bring rare salt production home. SAL⊥, created by Boir Studio, is a personal, gourmet salt making kit. 现在,你可以在家里生产罕见的盐了。Boir工作室出品的SALT是私人美食盐制作套装。

The system is a beautiful heirloom unto itself. It's a ceramic tray, wrapped in one of two finishes of hand-carved oak or walnut. Boir includes a small bottle of concentrated salt water from the Mediterranean. 这一整套东西本身就漂亮到可以做传家宝。一个陶瓷托盘嵌在橡木或胡桃木制成的手工雕刻木板中,这样的木板共有两块。套装还附赠一小瓶地中海产的浓缩盐水。 You pour in a very thin layer of water, set the tray in the sun or oven, and the crystals will form all on their own. (In the oven, the process is downright quick: It takes just 25 minutes.) 在托盘中倒上薄薄一层盐水,然后将其置于阳光下或烤箱中,晶体就会自动形成。(制盐的过程在烤箱中特别快:仅需约25分钟。) "Inspiration for this kit came to my husband, Ivan, when he noticed the small pools of seawater trapped in the rocks at the beach," says Boir cofounder Vlatka Leskovar. "He saw the water evaporate, leaving little nuggets of natural salt." Boir工作室的合伙创始人Vlatka Leskovar说,“我丈夫注意到沙滩上的岩礁会围住小滩海水,那时他灵光乍现。他看到那些海水蒸发,留下小块的天然海盐。” SAL⊥ is available now for $107. Additional sea water is sold in four packs for $29. And if that sounds expensive, well, you clearly haven't dipped your toe very deeply into the world of gourmet salt. SALT目前的售价是107美元。(约合人民币747.6元)四瓶装的海水补充装售价29美元。(约合人民币202.6元)如果你觉得贵,那你显然还没有深入美食盐界。
