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森林中有一句谚语:“宏大的树木拥有着坚实的根基。” 这句谚语常常被用来比喻一个强大的领袖或者长者如何引领后人。在自然界的森林中,大树依靠着深厚的根系支撑着自己的身躯,而这也正是大自然对我们的启示。一个有着坚实根基的领袖和长者,才能够给予更多的支撑和引领,为后人指明前进的方向。就像森林中的大树一样,他们的力量和智慧将激励着新一代人茁壮成长。


在广袤的草原上,有一句谚语:“大地之上,群象共存。” 草原上的生态系统展现了生物之间错综复杂的联系。狮子需要羚羊来维持生命,羚羊依赖草原上的草来生存,而草则依赖土壤和雨水。这些关系对我们传达了一个信息,即万物息息相关。我们所做的每一个决定,都可能对其他生物甚至整个生态系统产生影响。保护草原,就是在保护整个生态系统的多样性和平衡。


河流中有一句古老的谚语:“顺水随波。” 这句谚语告诉我们,能够抓住时机,顺势而为,才能够获得更好的效果。在生态系统中,河流一路向前,它们遵循着自然规律,顺应地形地势,最终流入大海。这也启示着我们,顺势而为,并尊重自然的规律,方能事半功倍。否则,自然的力量也可能会对我们造成无法挽回的破坏。


海洋中有一句深邃的谚语:“海纳百川,有容乃大。” 海洋作为地球上最广阔的生态系统,包容着许许多多的生物。无论是鲸鱼还是虾米,无论是珊瑚还是海草,它们都在这片博大的海洋中生生不息。这也向我们传达着一个信息,那就是博大包容。在这个多样的世界里,我们应当学会包容和尊重其他生物,共同生存、共同发展。





Nature is the fountainhead that we live, the contain in ecosystem is worn rich wisdom, and these wisdom also are mixed with all sorts of interesting adage the formal inheritance of the story come down. Arrive from the forest prairie, arrive from the river marine, the proverbial story hour of nature is reminding us to respect the value of environment of natural, protection, the proverbial wisdom in letting us explore ecosystem together.

Forest: Large tree just can lead later generations

There is a saw in the forest: "Baronial tree is having solid foundation. " this adage often is used to compare a powerful leader or how does better lead later generations. In the forest of nature, large tree is propping up his body according to recumbent and deep root system, and this also is nature the enlightenment to us. One is having the cacique of solid foundation and superior, ability gives more propping up mix quite lead, for the direction with later generations ongoing demonstrate. The large tree in resembling a forest is same, their force and wisdom will be incentive new generation person thrive.

Prairie: Be closely bound up of everythings on earth

On the prairie of length and breadth of land, have a saw: "Over the earth, group the elephant is concomitant. " the ecosystem on the prairie was shown contact daedally between biology. The lion needs antelope to maintain life, antelope depends on the careless a future life on the prairie to put, and grass depends on soil and rainwater. These relations transmitted an information to us, namely be closely bound up of everythings on earth. Each decision that we make, likely whole even to other live thing ecosystem produces an effect. Protect a prairie, protecting the diversity of whole ecosystem and balance namely.

River: Take advantage of an opportunity and for

There is an old saying in the river: "Downstream is followed wave. " this adage tells us, can seize an opportunity, take advantage of an opportunity and for, ability achieves better result quite. In ecosystem, river before one direction, they are abiding by the order of nature, comply with landform relief, flow into the sea finally. This also enlightenment is worn we, take advantage of an opportunity and for, respect natural law, square can get twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, natural force also may cause what cannot redeem to destroy to us.

Marine: Rich includes greatly

There is an abstruse saw in ocean: "Sea Na Baichuan, have Rong Naida. " ocean serves as the most capacious ecosystem on the earth, including lots and lots of biology. No matter be whale or dried, no matter be coral or seaweed, they are in this rich is born in big ocean be born not to cease. This also is transmitting an information to us, that is rich includes greatly. In this diversiform world, we ought to learn to include and value other live thing, live jointly, joint development.


Arrive from the forest prairie, arrive from the river marine, the proverbial story of nature let us appreciate the wisdom in ecosystem. They are reminding us, respect environment of natural, care, ability is obtained quite lay the force that lays not to cease. Let us remember the adage of these ecosystem well, make arduous efforts to build beautiful earthly home in all! Thank you to read the article, hope the adage of these ecosystem can be brought for you a few inspire and ponder.

