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  • 教育政策制定与实施:负责制定金山区的教育政策,并组织实施,推动教育工作的持续发展。
  • 学校管理与督导:负责对金山区各级各类学校进行管理和督导,保障教育教学秩序的正常运转。
  • 师资队伍建设:组织开展教师队伍建设,提升教师的教育教学水平和综合素质。
  • 课程资源整合:积极推动各类教育资源的整合与共享,促进教育教学质量的提升。



  • 教育公平:努力推动教育资源的均衡分配,实现区域内教育公平。
  • 教育创新:鼓励学校探索教育创新模式,提高教育教学质量。
  • 素质教育:倡导全面发展的素质教育理念,关注学生的全面发展。
  • 教师培训:加强对教师的培训力度,提升其教育教学水平。





Golden hill area teachs bureau overview

Be located in the bureau of education of golden hill area of Shanghai, it is the administration department of system of education of golden hill area. Its mission is conformity and the educational natural resources that promote golden hill the area, promote the development that teachs a career, offer Wu of kimono of natural resources of high grade education for the student hard.

Golden hill area teachs the duty of the bureau

Main responsibility includes bureau of education of golden hill area:

  • Educational policy makes with carry out: Be in charge of making the educational policy of golden hill area, organize carry out, the abidance that promotes educational work develops.
  • School administration and superintend and director guide: Be in charge of various to golden hill area of all kinds school undertaking management and superintend and director guide, safeguard teachs the normal movement of education order.
  • Faculty construction: The organization begins pedagogic team construction, promote pedagogic education education level and integrated quality.
  • Curricular resource is integrated: The conformity that drives natural resources of of all kinds education actively and share, promote the promotion that teachs education quality.

Golden hill area teachs the working focal point of the bureau

In recent years, the working key of bureau of education of golden hill area gradually focusing at:

  • Education is fair: Drive the balanced allocation that what teach resource hard, the education inside implementation area is fair.
  • Education innovates: Encourage the school to explore educational innovation mode, improve educational education quality.
  • Quality education: The quality that advocates full-scale development teachs a concept, pay close attention to full-scale development of the student.
  • The teacher grooms: Strengthen pair of teachers groom strength, promote its educational education standard.

The achievement of bureau of education of golden hill area and look into

In golden hill area the indefatigable effort of educational bureau falls, golden hill area taught a career to obtain great progress. School education condition gets ameliorative, educational education quality rises ceaselessly, faculty construction effect is distinct. Future, bureau of education of golden hill area will continue to devote oneself to to promote the development that teachs a career, build more high grade education environment for broad teachers and students hard.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes bureau of education of area of understanding golden hill, you can teach the job to have clearer knowledge to golden hill area, have new knowledge to teaching resource conformity and promotion.

