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1. 放松身心

2. 提升注意力和专注力

3. 增强情绪稳定


1. 实地感受

2. 使用录音和音乐

3. 使用APP和音频工具






Nature is us what Lai Yisheng puts is essential, her sound resembles the password that is a mystery, can touch our heart deeply. In blatant urbanism, people often oversight the importance with the healthy to our body and mind sound of nature. The article will discuss benefit of audio of listen respectfully nature, and the method of the sound of nature of a few listen respectfully.

Nature audio benefit

1.Loosen body and mind
The sound of nature, if water of Chan Chan brook, wind blows leaf, twitter to wait, conduce to the nerve that relaxes tension, ease pressure and worry. Consider to make clear, the sound of listen respectfully nature can reduce heartbeat and blood pressure, improve Morpheus quality, raise level of health of body and mind.

2.Promote attention and dedicated force
The sound of nature can help people regain dedicated power, promote the cognitive function of cerebrum. Accordingly, sound of listen respectfully nature is in alleviate attention is not centered and enhance respect of working study efficiency to have distinct effect.

3.Enhance mood stability
The natural sound between green hill green water often can bring halcyon, cheerful feeling, conduce to adjust mood, reduce the generation of negative sentiment. Accordingly, the music of listen respectfully nature also is applied extensively in psychotherapy.

The method of the sound of listen respectfully nature

1.Experience on the spot
Can choose to head for the environment such as outskirts, mountain forest, lakefront, experience the sound of nature personally, for example bug of the plangent, a sign of disturbance or trouble of chute, twitter cries etc. This kind of means not only can sound of listen respectfully nature, still can enjoy wonderful scenery, those who obtain body and mind to go up is double and contented.

2.Use recording and music
For the person to cannot visitting environment, can pass recording or Lai Ling of natural sound music to hear the voice of nature, for example ocean wave pats twitter of bank, forest to wait. Resource of this assonance frequency can be obtained extensively on the network, also apply to the background music when reviewing with ergonomics is loosened in the home.

3.Use APP and frequency tool
Nowadays, a lot of APP and frequency tool offer nature to audio listens and mix phonic function, the user can choose different natural sound according to his be fond of, undertake personalized music allocate, build a nature sound atmosphere that accords with him taste.


The sound of nature accumulate containing powerful glamour and cure to heal force, it is the wonderful breath that we are worth to listen attentively to. As the people pursuit to healthy lifestyle, the sound of listen respectfully nature also makes a kind of fashionable way of life gradually. No matter be to be in,study abroad, in the job or life, we can win body and mind through the sound of listen respectfully nature cheerful. Wish everybody can find the method of audio of listen respectfully nature that suits his, the happiness that enjoys nature to give and magical.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can bring you brand-new to nature audio understanding and experience.

