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Guangzhou cate strategy

Guangzhou, regard Chinese south as the city with a long history, element has " cate the beauty of " praise. No matter be dish of pure another name for Guangdong Province or gust individual street limit is fastfood, guangzhou can let you be on the tip of the tongue enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave.

Dish of another name for Guangdong Province, provide one of representative cate most as Guangzhou, with its bright of delicate and delicious, entrance slips and famed at the world. No matter be fork is burned, Bai Qie chicken or evaporate fish, can let the cooking glamour with distinctive dish of another name for Guangdong Province is appreciated while you are sampling.

Besides dish of another name for Guangdong Province, guangzhou still has a lot of delicateEarly tea, included steamed twisted roll among them, quicksand the traditional mug-up such as dumpling of bag, shrimp. Below reeky boiled water, fine fine savouring these small feed, also be a kind another cate is enjoyed.

SeekThe street edge of Guangzhou is fastfoodAlso be an exciting thing. No matter be meal of treasure of grandma of Li bay double skin, stone, still be the Niu Za of a Yu, each appearance is fastfood bearing the weight of Guangzhou person is right of cate have deep love for and distinctive taste pursuit.

In addition, guangzhou still has a lot of is worth that tryCharacteristic dining-room, for instance the area of matrix Li bay of " of meal of " Bao young, be known as road of bay of litchi of old Guangzhou olfactory to wait, it is the ground that the cate that deepness tourist cannot miss plays card.

Be in Guangzhou, you are OK to the top of one's bent sample all sorts of cate, experience the cate culture inside information with this solid city. And each cate backside, bearing the weight of Guangzhou person is mixed to delicate true affection opposite is had deep love for alive.

Thank you to read this article, hope you can understand Guangzhou cate better through this cate strategy, for you the brigade of coming cate provides a help.

