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ABC of digital camera camera lens

Digital camera camera lens is the crucial component in photography, it is affecting the quality of the photograph and result directly. When choosing digital camera camera lens, need understands a few ABC.

Above all, understandingThe focal length of camera lens. Focal distance is longer, the ken that camera lens can film is narrower, film remote fruit of object effectiveness for a given period of time is much better; Focal distance is shorter, ken is wider, comfortable in harmony photographs big setting.

Next, should understandApertureconcept. Bigger aperture can let more lights enter camera lens, comfortable in harmony photographs the setting with darker light; And lesser aperture can provide deeper depth of field, comfortable in harmony photographs the picture that needs integral clarity.

Camera lens of camera of different type amount

The basis films demand, digital camera camera lens can be divided for a variety of types, be like the camera lens of wide-angle lens, standard, telephoto lens, small first class that be apart from lens. Every sort camera lens has his characteristic and applicable setting.

Wide-angle lens comfortable in harmony photographs scenery and building, can film more capacious picture; Comfortable in harmony of standard camera lens photographs figure and general setting; Telephoto lens comfortable in harmony photographs remote object, for example sports match and wild animal; Small be apart from camera lens to be able to film very small object, be like the insect and flower.

How to choose to suit oneself digital camera camera lens

Want to choose to suit oneself digital camera camera lens, need those who make clear oneself to film above all demand. If often film scenery, suit to choose wide-angle lens; If like to film figure, can choose standard camera lens; If be interested in wild animal, can consider telephoto lens.

Next, need considers budget and camera compatibility. Difference of different camera lens price is bigger, still need to ensure the digital camera that chooses camera lens and oneself is compatible at the same time.

Anyhow, the digital camera camera lens that chooses to suit oneself needs what understand his deep to film demand, and the characteristic of different type camera lens and applicable setting, make well-advised choice thereby.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can help you understand the digital camera camera lens that how chooses to suit his better through this article.

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