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  • 创造共享空间:打破宿舍之间的界限,创造可供大家聚集交流的共享空间。
  • 举办活动:组织各种有趣、富有参与性的活动,如派对、电影之夜、运动比赛等,让同学们有机会互相了解和交流。
  • 建立支持系统:鼓励同学们在彼此间建立支持和帮助的关系,共同度过大学生活中的挑战。



  • 定期调研:了解同学们的需求和期望,根据实际情况进行调整和改进。
  • 培养领导者:鼓励并培养一些热心的同学担任宿舍活动的组织者和领导者,引领宿舍文化的建设。
  • 创建宿舍规章制度:制定一些宿舍规章制度,保障安全和秩序,但同时给予足够的自主空间。





The importance of university dormitory culture

University dormitory culture is right of the student grow and develop the effect with a crucial move. Red-blooded and active up the life quality that dormitory culture can promote a student not only, the academic success that still can promote them and individual develop.

Promote a dormitory the key of culture

Want to make a red-blooded dormitory culture, the key depends on building active up atmosphere interacts with stimulative socialization. This can pass the following means to come true:

  • Creation shares a space: Break the dividing line between the dormitory, create what can collect communication for everybody to share a space.
  • Conduct an activity: Organization all sorts of interesting, rich the activity that participates in a gender, if send tournament of the night of right, film, sport to wait, let classmates organic meeting understands each other and communicate.
  • Build supportive system: Encourage classmates to establish the relationship that support and helps here in those, spend the challenge in undergraduate work jointly.

The practice that dormitory culture designs is politic

In practice, want to make a red-blooded dormitory culture, need to methodical designs and implement strategy:

  • Fixed survey: Realize the demand of classmates and hope, undertake adjust and be improvemented according to actual condition.
  • Cultivate a leader: Encourage and foster classmate of a few enthusiastic to hold the position of the organizer of dormitory activity and leader, lead a dormitory the construction of culture.
  • Establish dormitory regulations system: Make system of regulations of a few dormitories, ensure safety and order, but give enough own space at the same time.

How to evaluate the effect of dormitory culture

The effect that evaluates dormitory culture can be participated in through the student degree, academic achievement and integral satisfaction are spent wait for a respect to undertake fixed evaluation. In the meantime, want to notice to gather the feedback opinion of classmates, be improved ceaselessly and optimize dormitory culture design.

The hope adopts these practical proposals, you can understand how to make better red-blooded, active up university dormitory culture, let a dormitory become the place that study, communication mixes classmates to grow jointly. The thank is read!
