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儿童心理健康 | 儿童心理健康问题与解决方法英文双语对照


儿童心理健康 | 儿童心理健康问题与解决方法英文双语对照












Problem of children mental health and means of settlement

Children mental health is to show children is in the healthy state of mentally, include mood management, psychology to get used to the respect such as ability, self-awareness, gregarious ability. Question of children mental health is very crucial, because it matters to the growing development of children, study directly,the effect and society get used to ability.

In process of children mental health, common problem has angst, depressed, attention to be not centered, human concern issue. A lot of element such as pressure of these problems and domestic environment, school, habits and customs is concerned. Accordingly, be aimed at these problems, the parent and pedagogue need are adopted a series of means of settlement.

Problem of common children mental health

In problem of children mental health, angst and depressed it is commonner. It is not stable, easy that angst expression is child mood nervous, concern is overmuch, and depressed behave for the mood low, interest drops, self-abased etc. In addition, attention also is not a common problem centrally, expression is the child cannot long dedicated at a thing, easy abstracted.

Solve the method of problem of children mental health

Solve what problem of children mental health needs many sided to cooperate, include the environment such as family, school and society. Above all, the mood that the parent needs to pay close attention to the child changes, establish good communication channel. Mix to angst depressed, can enter a few relaxed and happy activities through looking after children, undertake psychological dredge. Do not center to attention, can be improved through regular work and rest, reasonable food and right amount motion.

In the meantime, the school and society also need to pay close attention to problem of children mental health. The school can begin relevant mental health education, increase the communication between teachers and students. Social side can promote mental health the perfecting of plan of relevant law law, improve the knowledge of problems of pair of children mental health.

Anyhow, family of need of problem of children mental health, school and society are collective attention and solve. Pass the effort of whole society only, ability helps children build good mental health position quite.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands problem of children mental health and means of settlement to be helped somewhat to you.
