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探索未来世界 - 最新科技盘点英文双语对照













Science and technology changes the life, future already came

Since entering 21 centuries, the flying development of science and technology changed our life already deeply. Arrive from smartphone, unmanned aircraft catenary of artificial intelligence, area piece, product of science and technology and technical program are continuous emerge in large numbers, promoted human productivity and life quality greatly.

AI technology is innovated, intelligent times comes

Artificial intelligence regards instantly as field of the hottest science and technology, its are in medical treatment, finance, make the application that waits for a domain be extended ceaselessly. Drive household, automatically in intelligent speech assistant, intelligence wait for a respect to obtain great progress, the life that is us brought huge advantage.

Technology of area piece catenary is innovated, digital money is initiated brand-new pattern

Technique of area piece catenary goes a center changing with its, prevent the character that distort, trade for finance, the respect such as data security was offerred brand-new solution. The rise of digital money, it is a delegate with bit money, wearing in heavy model traditional banking structure, caused worldwide the attention inside.

Biology science and technology innovates, medical treatment reachs new height

In biology technology domain, copy of cure of gene editor, dry cell, biology is unripe wait for new and high technology ceaseless emerge in large numbers, for medicine cure and healthy health care brought brand-new possibility, let a disease cure no longer distant.


The innovation of science and technology is driving the progress of human society, show gave infinite possibility. No matter be science and technology of catenary of artificial intelligence, area piece, biology, will be in before long the life that affects us deeply in the future and job. Let our wait and see what happens, witness what did not come to the world to change jointly.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you know climate of current and newest science and technology better, the job that is you and life are brought a few inspire.
