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  • 南京路步行街 - 著名的购物天堂,汇聚了各种国际品牌和本土特色商品。
  • 豫园老街 - 保留了古色古香的上海文化风貌,充满了特色小吃和传统手工艺品。
  • 外滩 - 欣赏浦东CBD的夜景、观看黄浦江两岸的景色绝对不能错过。




  • 城隍庙 - 上海著名的古建筑群,保存完好,是上海市民信仰的宗教活动场所。
  • 豫园 - 园林建筑艺术的代表之作,园内有假山、湖泊和古建筑,富有江南园林的设计特色。
  • 静安寺 - 是上海现存历史最久远的寺院,融合了古今的建筑风格。




  • 上海迪士尼度假区 - 亚洲迪士尼乐园的第六个主题乐园,由中国国际旅行社投资兴建。
  • 上海海洋水族馆 - 位于浦东滨江大道,是亚洲最大的水族馆之一,有着世界一流的水族展示和配套设施。




  • 上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆 - 国际知名的蜡像馆,馆内陈列了大量名人及各界名流的蜡像。
  • 上海博物馆 - 是国家一级博物馆,拥有大量珍贵文物的收藏展示。
  • 上海当代艺术博物馆 - 展示中国当代艺术和国际先锋艺术的重要场所。






Shanghai, as China the most flourishing metropolitan one of, have long history and rich culture legacy. No matter be attractive bank Jiang Fengguang, antique town god's temple, still be the shopping centers of internationalization and cate street, left deep impression for the tourist. A travel map that the article will introduce Shanghai in detail, reveal the beauty of Shanghai to you, how-to you head for these your popular feeling gallop of be charmed go surely tourist attraction.

Area of Shanghai city center

On Shanghai travel map, urban center area is the absolutely ground that swims surely. Old street of the Nanjing road shopping mall that having long history and comfort garden is to shop the heaven with cate. In addition, the tourist still can admire the modernization of CBD of land home mouth to build the beach outside mixing bank river beautiful scenery.

Recommend a tourist attraction:

  • Nanjing road shopping mall - famous shopping heaven, gathered together all sorts of international brands and commodity of native land characteristic.
  • Comfort garden old street - withheld antique Shanghai culture scene, was full of characteristic fastfood taste with traditional handicraft.
  • Outside beach - the night scene that admires Pudong CBD, scene that watchs two sides of yellow riverside river cannot be missed absolutely.

Alias of Shanghai history article is gotten the better of

Shanghai is having rich history and culture resource, a lot of old buildings and gardens are worth to swim. Visit these historical historic site, can let a person appreciate the glamour of Shanghai traditional culture.

Recommend a tourist attraction:

  • Town god's temple - Shanghai's well-known ancient building group, save in good condition, it is the religious activity place of Shanghai citizen belief.
  • Comfort garden - gardens builds what represent artisticly to make, have inside garden rockery, laky with ancient building, be full of the design distinguishing feature of Changjiang Delta gardens.
  • Jing Ansi - it is the fane with Shanghai existent the most ages ago history, shirt-sleeve structure style of Gu Jin.

Shanghai theme Eden and aquaria

To family and little companionate trip, the thematic Eden of Shanghai and aquaria also are essential one part, can bring joy and excited experience for the tourist.

Recommend a tourist attraction:

  • Shanghai Dishini goes vacationing area - Asia Dishinile the Eden of the 6th theme of garden, invest build by China International travel agent.
  • Shanghai marine aquaria - be located in highway of Pudong bank river, it is one of the Asia's biggest aquaria, having the world's top-ranking aquatic animals to reveal with establishment of form a complete set.

Shanghai art gallery and museum

To the tourist that is interested in art and history, the art gallery of Shanghai and museum can satisfy their requirement, let them appreciate the glamour of all sorts of culture.

Recommend a tourist attraction:

  • House of waxwork of Shanghai Mrs. Du Sha - the waxwork house with famous international, the waxwork of a large number of celebrity and all circles distinguished personages was displayed inside the house.
  • Shanghai museum - it is a country one class museum, have a large number of precious cultural relic collect reveal.
  • Museum of Shanghai contemporary art - the important location that shows Chinese contemporary art and international pioneer skill.


No matter you are the tourist that is interested in historical culture, still shop to build the tourist that be interested with modern city to vogue, shanghai can satisfy your requirement. Hope travel map mixes a Shanghai that place provides an article recommend the tourist attraction travel to your Shanghai to be helped somewhat.

Thank you to read the article, can harvest in the journey that hopes you are in Shanghai happy with unforgettable memory!
