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The Great Cultural Revolution is on Chinese history one paragraph of important period, it happened 1966 to come 1976, it is Mao Zedong to consolidate oneself influence and a politics that start moves. It with denying in the round feudal it is a target with capitalism, advocate proletarian dictatorship, the climax of the power struggle that indicating the Chinese Communist is in-house and ideological struggle.

Historical setting

The historical setting of the Great Cultural Revolution is OK date from comes after People's Republic of China held water 1949, political power is mastered in the round by the Communist Party, the country implements socialistic system. In the world, china and Russia relation are exasperate, mao Zedong begins to fear Chinese socialism is moved toward. In home, a series of policy change and economic policy failure brings about a society queasy, social contradiction aggravate.

Start an account

Of the Great Cultural Revolution start an account complex diversity, basically include Mao Zedong to be opposite among them of socialistic direction anxious, struggle with influence to be being cleaned dissidently within the party, and the control to culture and thought domain and transform.


The Great Cultural Revolution produced far-reaching effect to Chinese politics, economy, society and culture. Be in political, it is brought about within the party large-scale clean, destroyed a country to administer order; Be in economically, manufacturing order is destroyed, caused severe pecuniary loss; Socially, created serious society queasy with dissension; On culture, a lot of traditional culture and humanitarian spirit are played havoc with, left deep scar.

As a whole, the Great Cultural Revolution is Chinese socialism builds major setback on road, its history taught the prospective development to China a lesson to produce far-reaching effect.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries the historical setting that understands the Great Cultural Revolution, reason and influence, can understand China better modern the history, and draw a lesson from which, help us face prospective development better.
