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  • 生活方式改变: 随着经济发展,儿童的生活方式发生了很大变化,缺乏运动、沉迷电子产品、饮食结构不合理等问题日益突出。
  • 教育压力: 孩子们面临着来自学业和社会的双重压力,过重的学业负担和缺乏有效的放松方式会影响他们的身心健康。
  • 环境污染: 城市化进程加快,环境污染问题日益突出,空气质量、食品安全等成为困扰儿童健康的主要问题。



  • 加强健康教育: 学校、家庭和社会应加强对儿童健康的教育,提倡健康的生活方式,增强儿童的健康意识。
  • 改善环境: 政府应大力整治环境污染,提高城市空气质量,保障食品安全,为儿童提供良好的生活环境。
  • 减轻学业压力: 学校和家长要合理安排孩子的学习时间,让他们有足够的时间进行户外活动、体育锻炼,保证充足的睡眠。





Current situation of Chinese children health

Chinese children health gets social attention fully all the time. Show according to newest data, chinese children is put generally in Morpheus inadequacy, myopic rate to rise, the healthy hidden trouble such as fat problem, this brought not small challenge to healthy progress of future.

The cause of formation of children health problem

The cause of formation of problem of Chinese children health is very complex, basically concern with the following element:

  • Lifestyle change: Develop as economy, the lifestyle of children produced very big change, devoid motion, indulge structure of electronic product, diet is unreasonable wait for a problem to be highlighted increasingly.
  • Educational pressure: Children are facing the double pressure that comes from school work and society, the relaxation with overweight school work burden and effective lack the body and mind that means can affect them is healthy.
  • Environmental pollution: The city changes a process to accelerate, environmental pollution issue is increasingly outstanding, safety of air quality, food become the main problem that puzzles children health.

Resolve the way to deal with a situation of children health problem

To improve problem of Chinese children health, we are OK from proceed with of the following respects:

  • Strengthen healthy education: The school, family and society should strengthen healthy to children education, promote healthy life style, enhance the healthy consciousness of children.
  • Improve an environment: Government should energetically punish environment pollution, improve urban air quality, ensure food safety, provide good surroundings for children.
  • Ease school work pressure: The school and parent want the study time of reasonable arrangement child, let them enough time undertakes outdoors activity, physical training, assure enough sleep.


Issue of Chinese children health closes ethical tomorrow, our everybody should pay close attention to children health problem, take positive action, build a more healthy growing environment hard, make children healthy grow happily.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can arouse more person the attention of healthy to Chinese children problem, let our joint efforts, let every child can healthy grow.

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