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智能音箱: 智能音箱是一类通过语音控制实现智能家居设备联动的产品,例如亚马逊的Echo系列、谷歌的Google Home等。它们可以通过语音指令来控制其他智能家居设备,还能播放音乐、回答问题等。

智能灯具: 智能灯具可以通过手机App或者语音控制来调节亮度、颜色及开关。此外,一些智能灯具还可以根据环境变化智能调节亮度,提高舒适度。

智能家电: 智能冰箱、智能空调、智能洗衣机等智能家电能够通过手机App进行远程控制,预约开机、节能省电等功能也大大提高了生活品质。

智能安防设备: 智能门锁、智能摄像头、智能安防系统等设备能够实时监控家庭安全,一旦发生异常情况会进行及时的警报提醒。

智能环境监测仪器: 如空气质量检测仪、温湿度传感器等,能够实时监测家居环境的数据并进行分析,给出相应的改善建议。

智能窗帘: 可以定时、遥控、自动感应等多种方式来控制窗帘的开合,带来更多的便利和舒适。

智能健康监测设备: 智能体重秤、智能睡眠监测仪等设备可以帮助人们更好地关注个人健康状况,及时进行调整和改善。

智能娱乐设备: 智能投影仪、智能音响等产品能够为家庭提供更加高品质的娱乐体验。





What does intelligence live in equipment to have?

Enter 21 centuries, as the ceaseless development of science and technology, intelligent household has been the concept in science fiction film no longer. In actual life, in the daily life that intelligence lives in equipment to permeating people gradually, brought a lot of advantage and joy for the life. So, is intelligent household facility specific what is there?

Intelligence lives in equipment sort and functional introduction

Intelligent sound box: Intelligent sound box is the product that through speech control realizes intelligence one kind to live in equipment linkage, for example the Google Home of Echo series of Yamaxun, Gu Ge. They can control other intelligence to live in equipment through speech instruction, still can broadcast problem of music, answer to wait.

Intelligent lamps and lanterns: Intelligent lamps and lanterns can pass mobile phone App or speech control will adjust brightness, color and switch. In addition, lamps and lanterns of a few intelligence still can change according to the environment intelligent adjustment brightness, raise easy measurable.

Intelligent home appliance: The intelligent home appliance such as washing machine of air conditioning of intelligent freezer, intelligence, intelligence can pass mobile phone App to undertake be controllinged remotely, make an appointment switch on the mobile phone, the function such as energy-saving province report also improved life quality greatly.

How does intelligence prevent facility: Intelligent door lock, intelligence is photographed how to prevent the facility such as the system like head, intelligence can family of real time monitoring is safe, once happen,unusual situation can undertake timely warning reminds.

Intelligent environment monitors an instrument: If empty temperament measures sensor of detector, temperature and humidity to wait, hand-in-hand travel analyses the data that can monitor household environment in real time, give out to improve a proposal accordingly.

Intelligent curtain: A variety of means such as OK and time, remote control, automatic induction come to those who control a curtain leave close, bring more advantage and comfortable.

Intelligent health monitors equipment: The equipment such as the appearance of Morpheus of intelligent weight balance, intelligence that monitor can help people pay close attention to individual health condition better, undertake in time adjust and be amelioratived.

Intelligent recreation equipment: The product such as acoustics of intelligent measuring projector, intelligence can provide more high quality recreation experience for the family.

In addition, the intelligence that still has a lot of other kinds lives in equipment, wait like electrical outlet of switch of intelligent pet feeding trough, intelligence, they offerred more to plant for the life of people convenient with fun.

As a whole, intelligent household equipment is making the indispensable one part in people life gradually, they brought more advantage and safe sense for our life, also showed development of science and technology to give people a variety of surprises that the life brings and possibility.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand intelligence to live in equipment better, the life that is you brings more advantage and joy.

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