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The importance of woman children health

Woman children is healthyIt is one of focuses of domain of sanitation of global medical treatment all the time. Woman and children are the future of any societies and hope, the health that ensures them accordingly is crucial. Woman health and children health are inseparable, both supplement each other. And health of attention woman children is responsibility of a kind of morality not only, also be the main component that can develop with the country continuously.

Global current situation

However, inside global limits, still many woman and children are faced with healthy menace. In a few developing countries, wait for a reason as a result of resource scarcity of impoverished, medical treatment, a lot of women mix even the basiccest antenatal health care even childbirth safety is unavailable. Children lacks enough nutrition, bring about the body and intellectual growth to be affected.

The challenge that face

A few areas return the phenomenon of existence children marring too early, early pregnant, this affects the health of body and mind of children not only, the individual that also can restrict them develops. In the meantime, the challenge that the woman faces in reproductive health respect also nots allow to ignore, include the issue such as discrimination of force of gravid complication, family, sex.

Settlement way

Pay close attention to woman children health, need whole society joint efforts. The government needs to increase healthful to medical treatment investment, the health that raises woman and children ensures a level; In the meantime, door of Ministry of Education also should strengthen sexual education and healthy education, help woman and children gain more and healthy knowledge. In addition, all circles also can carry the kind such as contribution, volunteer activity, for woman children health the career contributes his force.

In modern society, woman and children health cannot be changed by the brim again. Note woman children health through closing only, ability implementation can last in the round development, let everybody can enjoy healthy, happy life.

Thank you to read this article, the hope lets more person understand through this article and pay close attention to woman children health, contribute oneself force to build the society of more harmonious health.
