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1. Cats don't think of us as humans. Instead, they see us as equals, just like other cats. 猫不把我们看作人类。事实上,它把我们看做同类,在它眼里我们和其他猫一样。 2. Sea otters hold hands while they're sleeping so that they don't drift apart. 海獭在睡觉时手握着手,这样它们就不会漂离。 3. Tiger populations are on the rise. 老虎数量正在增加。 4. When a baby elephant is born, other mothers in the social group will trumpet to celebrate or announce the baby's arrival. 当一只象宝宝出生时,社交圈子里的其他象妈妈会高声鸣叫,庆祝或宣布宝宝的降生。 5. Dogs sneeze when play fighting to show they are playing and don't wanna hurt you. 狗狗在假装打架的时候会打喷嚏,表明自己是在逗着玩而不会伤害你。 6. Cows have "best friends" and are happier when they're with them. 牛有“好友”,它们和好友在一起时更快乐。 7. There's an abandoned minefield that has accidentally created a penguin sanctuary. The mines keep poachers out, but the penguins are too small to set them off. 一个荒废的布雷区偶然间成了企鹅的避难所。这里埋的雷让偷猎者不敢靠近,而企鹅们体积太小,不会引爆地雷。 8. An otter will find a pebble as a juvenile and keep it for their whole life. 一只水獭会将一颗鹅卵石当作幼崽,并终生守护它。 9. Your dog probably dreams about you. 你的狗很可能会梦到你。 10. There are little tiny harvest mice that sleep inside flowers. 体积微小的巢鼠睡在花朵中。

11. Pandas are no longer considered an endangered species. 熊猫不再是濒危物种。 12. Dogs can tell when you're due to come home by how much of your scent is remaining in the house. 狗可以通过你留在房子里的气息还有多少来判断出你回家的时间。 13. Dolphin mothers sing to their babies while they're in the womb. 海豚妈妈会对着子宫内的胎儿唱歌。 14. Bees get sleepy after drinking nectar and occasionally take naps on flowers. 蜜蜂在喝完花蜜后会发困,偶尔会在花朵上打盹。 15. Ravens can remember faces and you can befriend them. 渡鸦能记住人脸,你可以和它们做朋友。 16. When dogs appear in movies and TV, sometimes they have to have CGI tails because they wag too much during the scene. 狗出演影视剧时,有时候得用特效编辑它们的尾巴,因为它们在拍摄过程中摇尾太频繁。 17. Squirrels adopt other baby squirrels if they're orphaned. 松鼠会收养失去双亲的松鼠宝宝。 18. Your dog actually loves you, not just because you give them food and walks. 你的狗真的爱你,不只是因为你给它们吃食,带它们遛弯。 19. Bees make a "whoop!" sound when they bump into each other or are startled. 蜜蜂在相撞或受惊时会发出“呜呜”声。 20. Goats and cows have accents. 山羊和奶牛有口音。 21. Penguins not only mate for life, they will also spend time to find a beautiful pebble for their mate and then "propose" with it. 企鹅不仅一生只有一个伴侣,而且它们会花时间为伴侣找一颗美丽的鹅卵石,用这颗鹅卵石来“求婚”。
