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福田区教育局 – 为您解读福田教育政策和学校管理规定英文双语对照


福田区教育局 – 为您解读福田教育政策和学校管理规定英文双语对照








  • 推动教育均衡发展: 加强资源整合,促进城乡教育均衡发展,让每个学生都有机会接受优质教育。
  • 推动教育改革创新: 积极探索教育教学改革路径,提升教育质量和办学水平。
  • 促进师资队伍建设: 加强教师培训,提高教师专业素质,激励优秀教师成长。
  • 关注学生综合素质发展: 提倡以学生为中心,关注学生身心健康和全面成长。



Bureau of education of blessing cropland area: Devote oneself to to provide high grade education

Bureau of education of blessing cropland area is the function department that government of people of division of cropland of Shenzhen city blessing creates, be in charge of plan as a whole and coordinating the education inside area under administration to work, aim to offer Wu of high grade kimono of educational natural resources for broad student. The duty of bureau of education of blessing cropland area includes to make education develop a program, drive school management reform, stimulative education to wait for a respect fairly.

Blessing cropland teachs policy: Pay close attention to each student

Bureau of education of blessing cropland area answers a country actively to teach policy, devote oneself to to promote quality education and the educational concept that develop in the round. The aspect is thrown in education, bureau of education of blessing cropland area increases educational funds investment ceaselessly, improve school education condition, improve education quality, ensure every student can enjoy fair and high grade education natural resources.

Blessing cropland school administers a regulation: Ensure student rights and interests

Regard education as management department, bureau of education of blessing cropland area still is in charge of making school administration provision, make clear standard of school education behavior and standard of educational education quality, supervise and urge the policy requirement that the school fulfils door of Ministry of Education, ensure legitimate rights and interests of the student and safety.

Blessing cropland area teachs bureau job focal point:

  • Promote education balanced development: Strengthen resource conformity, promote urban and rural education balanced development, make every student organic can accept high grade education.
  • Drive education to reform innovation: Active exploration teachs education to reform way, promotion education quality and managerial level.
  • Stimulative faculty builds: Strengthen a teacher to groom, improve pedagogic major quality, incentive and outstanding teacher grows.
  • Integrated quality admits attention student: Advocate it is a center with the student, health of body and mind mixes attention student to grow in the round.

Teach the effort of the bureau through blessing cropland area, we hope all students can be in sweet, include, the in teaching an environment thrive of innovation! Thank you to read the article, the hope can unscramble blessing cropland to teach policy and school government regulation to bring a help for you.

