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1. 中草药膳食:根据儿童的生长发育和身体状况,科学搭配中草药以及天然食材,熬制成有益于儿童健康成长的药膳。

2. 按摩调理:通过中医经络理论,采用适当的按摩手法,调理儿童的经络和穴位,促进血液循环,增强体质。

3. 良好作息:根据中医“四季养生”理论,培养孩子良好的作息习惯,让孩子顺应自然环境的变化,促进身体健康。





What is Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science?

Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical scienceIt is a kind of Yo that is based on theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine method, emphasize adopting the method that adjusts the respect such as food, daily life, motion, help children builds healthy habits and customs, enhance a constitution, health of stimulative body and mind develops, give attention to two or morethings material and spirit the demand of two respects.

Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science crucial concept

Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science advocate " teach students in accordance of their aptitude " , respect law of the physiology of children and psychological development adequately, combinative traditional Chinese medical science to " day person syncretic " , " yin and yang is harmonic " , " energy spirit look " wait for theory, strong take good care of sb prevent disease, take precaution seriously, the constitution that passes the child differentiates, science uses the method of preserve one's health of health care of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and skill, daily behavior is used to normative children, undertake more scientific Yo means.

Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science of the method apply actually

1.Chinese herbal medicine is prandial: According to the growth of children development is mixed body state, scientific tie-in Chinese herbal medicine and natural feed capable person, boil make the medicinal food that is beneficial to children health to grow.

2.Massage recuperation: Adopt theory of main and collateral channels of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, use proper massage technique, recuperate the main and collateral channels of children and point, stimulative blood circulates, enhance a constitution.

3.Good work and rest: According to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine " preserve one's health of the four seasons " academic, develop habit of the child's good work and rest, let the child comply with the change of environment, promote healthy.

Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science the problem that should note

In apply Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science when the method, need has certain professional knowledge base, lest cause undesirable effect. In the meantime, proposal parent undertakes adjustment according to actual condition in practice, combine the acknowledge of modern science, cannot follow suit blindly, pay close attention to individual difference, attach most importance to with the body state of darling and real need.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand Yo of ovine father traditional Chinese medical science better method, in applying Yu Yoer scientificly to carry out, the health of stimulative child grows.

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