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毒品危害大 揭秘禁毒教育的重要性英文双语对照


毒品危害大 揭秘禁毒教育的重要性英文双语对照

毒品危害大 揭秘禁毒教育的重要性








Drugs harm uncovers secret to ban the importance of poisonous education greatly

Drugs problem is global social problem all the time, caused serious harm to individual and society. Indulge to prevent adolescent drugs, the importance of the education that prohibit toxin cannot be underestimated.

Above all, The harm of drugsIt is one of core content of the education that prohibit toxin. Pass the case analysis of dramatic image and chart data, let a student understand drugs to be harmed to the body and mental, enhance the fear to drugs and repellent psychology, make they are far from drugs thereby.

Next, Significant precautionary stepAlso be the key of the education that prohibit toxin. The education that teachs content to include ego to protect consciousness, method that answers temptation, help student establishs correct philosophy and viewpoint of value, increase resist the ability of exterior temptation.

In addition, the support that family and society teach to prohibiting toxin is crucial also. The school, family and social tripartite coact, form resultant force, ability implements the education that prohibit toxin better.

The place on put together is narrated, the education that prohibit toxin is to be on guard adolescent slips the efficient way of drugs mire, need the school to take seriously not only, also need the joint efforts of family and society. Adopt the educational measure of a variety of forms, compose builds an all-around defense line that prohibit toxin, make adolescent is far from drugs, trend health grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can increase to teach the understanding of importance to prohibiting toxin, build a strength with teenage healthy growing him contribution in all for the society.
