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在开始描绘大自然之前,我们首先要了解大自然的样子。大自然包括了它的四季变化、山川河流、植物与动物等。它可以是春天明媚的阳光下,一朵朵鲜花竞相怒放;也可以是夏日蓝天白云下,树木郁郁葱葱,小溪潺潺流淌;还可以是秋季五彩斑斓的树叶,落日余晖下,大自然愈发美丽。 冬天的大自然可能是一片银装素裹,大地一片寂静,或绚丽多彩的雪花世界。










Dear 3 grade children, nature is one of the most wonderful gifts in our life. In your eye, how beautiful is nature? Be in an article is medium, we will share a few little skill that describe beautiful nature, the hope can help you draw up more vivid, beautiful composition.

Understand nature

Before beginning to describe nature, we should know the pattern of nature above all. Nature included river of change of its the four seasons, mountains and rivers-land, plant and animal to wait. It can be the sunshine with beautiful spring falls, a flower eagerly in full bloom; Also can be summer blue sky below Bai Yun, tree is lush and green, brook Chan Chan flows drip; Still can be the leaf with multicolored autumn, below setting sun Yu Hui, nature sends beauty more. The nature in the winter may be silver-coated, the earth a hush, or gorgeous snowflake world.

Describe nature with vivid term

When describing nature, we should choose the expressions of a few dramatic image, for instance: Vernal nature can be " charactizing a fine spring day, vibrant " ; The nature of summer can be " the burning sun sorching, dancing that cultivate an image " ; Autumnal nature can be " layer forest all is caught, Jin Feng sends bright " ; The nature in the winter can be " silver-coated, snowflake waves wave " etc. These terms can let your composition have vivid feeling more, let a reader as if place oneself at among them.

Observation detail, illume composition

When describing nature, might as well from proceed with of a few detail. For instance, spring can observe the color of flower and fragrance; Summer can observe the puppy that cicada cries to fall with shade of a tree; The color that the autumn can observe a leaf and wave falling means; The winter can watch the appearance of snowflake and the rate that fall. Through observing the detail of nature, you can discover the meeting in the composition has more and vivid content, make a reader easier also produce resonance.


The beautiful nowhere of nature is absent, and should describe nature, be about to observe attentively and choose a term attentively, those who let a reader experience nature through your composition is wonderful. Hope above little skill can help you draw up more vivid, beautiful composition, show the to nature distinctive understanding in giving your heart.

Finally, thank each child to read this article seriously below the guidance of teacher and parent. Believe to pass these little skill, you can draw up more vivid, wonderful composition, show the distinctive view that gives pair of beautiful nature.
