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  • 运城扣肉:肥瘦相间的猪肉经过秘制的腌制和蒸制工艺,口感鲜美,香味扑鼻。
  • 过油肉:选用优质猪后腿肉,裹上秘制面粉,过油炸制而成,外酥里嫩,香气四溢。
  • 运城面片:细腰、窄幅,以面粉和豆薯粉为原料,搭配上浓汤,别具风味。
  • 老陈醋:以优质高粱、大米等为原料,经过多年陈酿而成,酸甜适口,香气独特。



  • 解州老街:聚集了大量历史悠久的餐饮老店,是感受当地传统美食文化的绝佳地点。
  • 运城小商品街:这里集聚了各式小吃摊点和餐馆,可以尝遍当地特色美食。



  • 参加传统烹饪工坊:学习运城传统美食的制作工艺,感受历史文化的魅力。
  • 参与美食文化节:运城每年都会举办美食文化节活动,届时将会有大量美食展销和美食比赛等精彩活动。



Culture of carry city cate

Carry city, be located in Shanxi the province is mid, it is a place that has long history and rich culture. Its distinctive geographical environment and humanitarian setting be pregnant with distinctive cate culture, be known as " the countryside of cate " .

Eat cate to recommend surely

Bright characteristic is fastfood and the traditional cooking craft that carries city cate does not have distinguishing feature with its and taste are famed, be worth the cate that tries to include among them:

  • Carry city buckles the flesh: The souse that the pork of fat thin alternate with makes through secret and evaporate make technology, mouthfeel is delicious, fragrance is tangy.
  • Cross oily flesh: Choose flesh of hind leg of high grade pig, wrap on secret makes flour, deepfry is made and become too, outside crisp in tender, aroma 4 excessive.
  • Carry city cover piece: Fine waist, narrow cut, it is raw material with flour and yam bean pink, the hoosh on collocation, do not have local color.
  • Old mature vinegar: Wait with high grade broomcorn, rice for raw material, become through year of many old wine, acid is sweet dainty, fragrance is distinct.

Cate block is recommended

Want to savour carry city cate better, before mighting as well, go to block of the following cate:

  • See city old market: Collected the meal old store with a large number of long histories, it is the superexcellent spot that feels culture of local traditional cate.
  • Carry city small commodities street: Here assemble dot of various and fastfood booth and cafeteria, can taste local characteristic cate.

Cate culture experiences

Besides sample cate, you still can participate in the following activity to experience culture of carry city cate better:

  • Attend workshop of traditional cooking labour: Learn the making craft of cate of carry city tradition, experience the glamour of historical culture.
  • Participate in cate Cultural Festival: Carry city can conduct activity of cate Cultural Festival every year, at the appointed time will a large number of cate are on sale to wait for wonderful activity with cate match.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece strategy of carry city cate, the brigade of the cate that hopes to be able to be you offers good news and proposal.
