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生活常识 | 生活小技巧 | 你可能不知道的实用生活小知识英文双语对照








生活中,我们常常感叹时间不够用。其实,科学的时间管理方法可以帮助我们更好地利用时间,提高工作效率。比如,番茄工作法(Pomodoro Technique)将工作时间划分为25分钟的小时间段,帮助我们集中注意力;时间日记可以帮助我们找到时间的浪费点,从而进行有效的调整;而时间矩阵则可以帮助我们区分重要与紧急的事务,从而更有针对性地安排时间。只要掌握了合适的时间管理方法,我们就能更从容地面对生活中的琐事和挑战。






A few common sense in the life and little skill

In the life, have a lot of common sense and little skill, you do not understand the likelihood, and the life that these knowledge and skill can be you however brings advantage. In this article, we will share a few economic life little knowledge that you do not know the likelihood for you, the hope can bring a few helps to your life.

Common sense and skill one: How to choose fresh fruit

FruitIt is us the indispensable food in daily life, but how choosing fresh fruit is the problem that a lot of poll are fond of however. To common fruit, for instance orange, apple, banana, we can judge our from the respect such as outside, odour, weight new rate. For instance, of orange cortical should colour and lustre is full and smooth, the apple should do not have apparent contusion or soft sodden place, banana should have pure and fresh sweet smell and weight moderate.

Common sense and skill 2: The small subtle move of clean household

In daily life, domestic Ju Qingjie is an inevitable question. Besides traditional clean tool, actually a few common kitchen articles for use also can help our cleanness live in. For instance, make OK and clean microwave oven with citric He Xiaosu, it is OK to use white vinegar clean furring, with olive oil surface of OK and clean stainless steel... these small subtle move not only simple, and environmental protection is healthy, when letting you be lived in in cleanness get twice the result with half the effort.

Common sense and skill 3: Significant time manages a method

In the life, we often plaint time is used not quite. Actually, scientific time management method can help us use time better, improve work efficiency. For instance, tomato job law (Pomodoro Technique) differentiate working hours between the Xiaoshi for 25 minutes paragraph, help us focus attention; Time diary can help us find the wasteful place of time, undertake effective adjustment thereby; And it is divisional and important that time matrix can help us with critical work, thereby more specific aim ground arranges time. Wanted to master appropriate time management method only, we face the bagatelle in the life and challenge with respect to can easier ground.

Common sense and skill 4: The healthy small doohickey that goes easily simply

Maintaining health is the very important thing in the life. And a few simple healthy small doohickey, can make us relaxed in busy life however preserve one's health. For instance, drink water more, maintain enough sleep, everyday right amount motion, keep buoyant, not excessive drink, eat rubbish food less... these small doohickey look be like common, can escort the Emperor for our health however convoy.


Although the little common sense in the life and little skill look be like negligible, but can bring real help for our life however. These lives that hope the article is shared are little knowledge and little skill, can bring for your life a few inspire and help. Thank you to read the article, the hope can bring the influence of a few fronts for your life.

