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1. 坚果类零食:如杏仁、核桃等,富含健康脂肪和蛋白质,适量食用可以帮助孩子维持饱腹感。

2. 水果蔬菜干:不添加糖分和防腐剂,是孩子日常水果蔬菜摄入的良好补充。

3. 酸奶类产品:富含活性乳酸菌和钙质,有助于维持孩子的肠道健康和骨骼发育。





The importance of children health snacks

As rhythm of modern society life accelerate, more and more parents begin to realize the value of children health snacks. Reasonable snacks collocation can offer the complement with balanced nutrition for the child not only, still can develop good dietary habit, help child maintains healthy life position.

How to choose to suit healthy snacks of the child?

When choosing children health snacks, parents need to pay close attention to mainlyNutrition is balanced, Food safety, Food labelWait for crucial factor. Above all, snacks ought to be contained enough protein, prandial fiber, vitamin and mineral, grow in order to satisfy the child daily the demand of development; Next, the security of food is crucial, avoid additive agent for food to perhaps be fed too much taste off quality to cause an effect to child health; Finally, the parent can read food label carefully when buy, know the news such as the composition of food, expiration period, the choice suits healthy snacks of the child.

Recommend a few kinds of healthy snacks that suit the child

1.Firm fruit snacks: Wait like almond, walnut, contain a lot ofhealth adipose with protein, right amount edible can help the child maintain full abdomen sense.

2.Fruit vegetable works: Do not add candy cent and antiseptic, it is the good complement that daily fruit vegetable absorbs the child.

3.Yoghurt kind product: Contain a lot ofactive lactobacillus and calcium to pledge, conduce to the alvine path health that maintains the child and skeletal development.


Anyhow, the parents of healthy snacks need that choose to suit the child are a few more floriferous idea, and the child's health is worth us to each person pays close attention to jointly and be caressed.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you choose to suit healthy snacks of the child better.

