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  • 健康饮食
  • 适量运动
  • 常见疾病预防
  • 紧急情况处理



  • 防火常识
  • 防盗知识
  • 交通安全
  • 网络安全



  • 消费者权益保护
  • 劳动法
  • 交通法规
  • 知识产权法律



  • 沟通技巧
  • 处理人际关系纠纷
  • 团队合作
  • 情商管理




Why to need to understand life common sense

Life common sense is us the indispensable one part in daily life, it covered each aspects, include healthy, safe, law, human relation to wait a moment. Understanding life common sense conduces to we suit better and solve all sorts of problems, improve the quality of the life, ensure the rights and interests of oneself and other.

Healthy life common sense

Health is the most serious money, understand common sense of a few healthy lives to be able to help us prevent the disease, body position that keeps good. For instance, hold right amount campaign, balanced diet, the wholesome convention with good nurturance. In addition, the society answers emergency, mastering a few basic emergency treatment knowledge also is crucial.

  • Healthy diet
  • Right amount motion
  • Common disease prevents
  • Emergency processing

Safe life common sense

Safety is the basic premise that ensures the life, understand safe life common sense to be able to avoid the happening of accident, protect the security of oneself and family. This includes each fields such as safety of fire prevention, guard against theft, transportation, everybody needs to understand these common sense somewhat.

  • Fire prevention common sense
  • Knowledge of guard against theft
  • Traffic safety
  • Network safety

Legal common sense

In modern society, the importance of legal consciousness is self-evident. Understand a few basic law common sense to be able to help us safeguard our legitimate rights and interests, prevent effectively and settle a few dispute. For instance, know rights and interests of a few consumer protects the content such as law, labor law, highway code.

  • Consumer rights and interests is protected
  • Labor law
  • Highway code
  • Intellectual property law

Human relation common sense

Good human relationship is crucial to our life, understand common sense of a few human relations to be able to help us get along with other better, avoid a few needless contradiction and conflict. These common sense include to communicate skill, processing collaboration of human concern issue, group.

  • Communication skill
  • Handle human concern issue
  • The group cooperates
  • Affection business government

Pass understanding and master life common sense, we can get used to the demand of modern society better, improve life quality, ensure individual rights and interests, avoid or lessen a few needless dispute and worry.

Acknowledgment reader reads this article, hope these life common sense can be helped everybody lives better and work.
