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1. 心脏骤停急救


2. 失去知觉的处理


3. 大面积持续出血


4. 烧伤处理


5. 骨折急救


6. 窒息救助


7. 中暑处理


8. 高空坠落


9. 癫痫发作


10. 突发心脏病




1.The heart halts first aid suddenly

When discovering somebody occurrence heart stops suddenly, ensure above all safe, dial emergency treatment telephone instantly next. Begin to undertake heart lungs anabiosises (CPR) , minutely at least 100-120 second by press frequency, arrive till emergency treatment personnel.

2.Lose conscious processing

Discover somebody loses consciousness, should check have without breath, if do not have breath, need to have artificial breath. Additional, need maintains the patient's temperature, send its toward the hospital as soon as possible.

3.Large area bleeds continuously

Occurrence bedding face is accumulated when bleeding continuously, the gauze that should use clean instantly or clothings oppress directly go up in haemorrhage place, send toward the hospital to see a doctor next.

4.Burn processing

When encountering burn, want to will get hurt quickly the refrigeration in the cold water that place puts flow, but do not use glacial water. Cover with clean gauze next get hurt place, send toward hospital emergency treatment.

5.Fracture emergency treatment

When encountering fracture, should secure as far as possible get hurt place, can use bandage or all round article undertakes fixed, send toward the hospital to see a doctor next.

6.Choking deliverance

To asphyxial person, want to undertake back knock and artificial breath will have first aid quickly, undertake bosom squashs when necessary.

7.Sweltering processing

When discovering somebody suffers heatstroke, should move its to shady and cool place, unlock garment is buckled, drink bit of weak brine, go up in forehead with cold towel or ice bag apply, send toward the hospital next.

8.Headroom falls

Fall in headroom in the accident, above all the person that avoid by all means is moved, ensure its head, cervical keep fixed with back, await emergency treatment personnel to arrive.

9.Epileptic fit

When epileptic fit, want to ensure patient head does not get hurt, place its in even and capacious place, give conciliation and custody, maintain respiratory tract unobstructed.

10.Sudden heart disease

To breaking out the person of heart disease, should let a patient keep quiet, loose collarband, dial emergency treatment telephone instantly, cooperate emergency treatment personnel to undertake handling.

Thank you to read the article, little common sense of hope above emergency treatment can provide a help when you encounter emergency.
