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Know nature rule

In the world that lives in us, nature is having his law. No matter be the harships thunder of metempsychosis of replace of day and night, the four seasons or nature, be in the rule that relating nature. Our mankind can from which derive wisdom, comply with the rule of nature, ability lives better and develop.

The solar term that complies with nature changes

The earth that we live, having change of apparent the four seasons. Chun Xiaqiu winter, their alternant accumulate those who containing nature is metrical. Early spring sows, the summer grows, autumn harvest winter hides, be the solar term metempsychosis of nature. And human life also changes subsequently, comply with solar term change, adjust food and work and rest, it is the expression that complies with nature law.

Respect biology diversity

Tellurian life with its various famed with diversity. Move a plant differently to coordinate symbiosis in respective ecosystem. Protect wild vivid plant, respect their vivosphere, mean us to respect the law of nature, also be the esteem of opposite life and protection.

Get used to climate change

Climate change is nature the result of long-term evolution, also be the focus that current whole world pays close attention to. Get used to climate change to mean us to need to adjust manufacturing lifestyle, reduce the effect to the environment, protect the ecological balance of nature, this is our self interest and the esteem expression to nature law.


Nowhere is not in the rule of nature, its force is not had can defy. Comply with the rule of nature, mean us to be able to live better, the job and development. Respect environment of natural, care, it is the responsibility of our everybody. Let our joint efforts, get along with nature harmony, create good future.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can make you more thorough the ground understands and comply with nature law through this article, adjust oneself lifestyle better thereby, protect an environment, enjoy nature to gift our happiness.

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