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Offers of a dog have begun popping up on Spanish online marketplaces as the coronavirus quarantine measures enter their third day of effect. 随着新冠肺炎隔离措施进入第三天,西班牙网络市场开始出现租狗信息。 Adverts seen on MilAnuncios.com include a podenco in Valencia, charging 25 euros for a 'walk'. 在MilAnuncios.com网站上,人们可以看到瓦伦西亚的一位客户出租加那利猎犬等信息,他的收费是“遛狗一次”25欧元(约合人民币192元)。 "Podenco for rent for walking or running during the quarantine to avoid getting fined," the offer reads. 招租信息中写道:“出租加那利猎犬,在隔离期间遛狗走路或跑步,以避免被罚款。” It comes as a royal decree approved last Saturday night has severely restricted freedom of movement in Spain. 上周(3月14日)六晚,西班牙通过了一项皇家法令,严格限制居民外出。

Residents must stay indoors, only leaving home – one per car – for food, medicines, medical assistance, essential work, caring for loved ones or other justifiable activity. 居民必须待在室内,只能一车一人离家购买食品、药品、就医、去工作、照顾亲人或其他正当活动。 Workers require certification authorising the necessity of their travel. 上班族需要出示必须外出的证明。 The government has assured residents they may walk their pets, so long as they observe social distancing measures such as keeping 1m apart from other members of the public. 政府向居民明确指出,只要按照规定与他人保持社交距离,比如与其他人间隔1米,他们就可以带宠物出去散步。 MilAnuncios.com has said they will not permit the renting out of pets, allowing residents to 'laugh off' the coronavirus restrictions, according to La Vanguardia. 据《先锋报》报道,MilAnuncios.com网站表示,他们不会允许出租宠物,让居民绕开为遏制新冠肺炎疫情而采取的限制措施。 "From Milanuncios we are not allowing this type of service to be offered on our platform, so we are eliminating all the ads that appear in this regard." “作为Milanuncios网站,我们不允许人们在我们的平台上提供这种类型的服务,所以我们正在删除所有这类广告。”
