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  • 注重倾听和尊重孩子的意见,与他们保持良好的沟通。
  • 给予孩子适当的自主权,培养他们的自我管理能力。
  • 关注孩子在学校的学习和社交情况,给予适当的指导和鼓励。
  • 建立积极健康的家庭氛围,培养孩子的乐观心态和心理韧性。




The child's mental health is the focus that parents pay close attention to all the time. 9 years old are the important level in child growing process, they begin to enter the preparative phase of the preadolescence, psychological evolution also presents an a few distinctive characteristics and demand. The article will introduce the importance of child mental health 9 years old in detail for you, and offer a few practical psychology to grow guideline, help the psychology that you pay close attention to better and guides the child grow.

Disposition characteristic

Child personality of 9 years old begins to be shown apparently, they may show autonomy strong, begin to show a few independent consciousness and decision-making ability. In the meantime, curiosity is abundant, like to explore the world, be full of curiosity to the thing. In addition, 9 years old of children also may appear mood wave motion is big, easy excited, initiative is abate wait for a characteristic, these are normal psychological expression.

The family is interactive

The family is the main influencing factor of child mental health. 9 years old of children pay close attention to domestic concern more, the hope gets parental care and support. Interact in the family in, parents ought to pay attention to the opinion that listen attentively to and respects the child, give them the own right of certain level, establish specific domestic plan and domestic viewpoint of value at the same time, provide stable domestic environment to the child.

The school lives

The school is the main room that the child grows, 9 years old of children begin to enter elementary school high year, face more school work pressure and gregarious challenge. Parents needs the show that pays close attention to the child to be in the school, encourage them to participate in collective activity and group collaboration, the gregarious ability that develops the child and self-confident heart.

Psychological growing guideline

The disposition characteristic that is aimed at the child and growing phase, the parent can adopt a few effective psychology to grow guideline, be like:

  • Pay attention to the opinion that listen attentively to and respects the child, maintain good communication with them.
  • Give the child proper own right, the ego that fosters them runs ability.
  • Pay close attention to the study that the child is in the school and social condition, give coach and encourage appropriately.
  • Establish the domestic atmosphere of active health, foster hopeful state of mind of the child and psychological tenacity.

Anyhow, the mental health of 9 years old of children is worn since whole to its growing process crucial action. The parent ought to pay close attention to psychological characteristic of the child, provide good family and school environment, give at the same time proper care and guide, help their health grow.

Thank you to read the article, hope growing guideline can help these psychology you pay close attention to better and guide the child's mental health, let their thrive.

