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在宝宝幼儿园小班阶段,家长们也需要重视孩子的情绪和性格发展。在家长和老师的共同关心下, 孩子们可以更好地适应幼儿园生活, 培养出积极向上、友善热情的个性。






Yo of darling of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten experience is shared

Every parent hopes his child health grows happily, be in especially phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten, the Yo that parents pay close attention to the child more problem. In this phase, darling people contacting society and study ABC, this grows to what they did not come crucial. We share Yo of darling of the bottom class in a kindergarten of a few nursery school below experience, the hope can bring a few helps to parents.

The diet with balanced nutrition

Darling needs to achieve the diet with balanced nutrition in phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten, this health to them and grow crucial. Parents can understand the eat of a few tie-in nutrition to feed more, for exampleEdibles of vegetable, fruit, corn, protein food, the dietary structure of reasonable and tie-in darling, make sure they acquire all sorts of nutrition part.

Good habits and customs

In nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten, the habits and customs with education good darling is attached most importance to especially should. Parents can supervise and urge child educationConvention of good work and rest, food habit and individual sanitation are used to, as a child the habits and customs with good nurturance, conduce to their health growing.

Pay close attention to mood and disposition development

In phase of the bottom class in a kindergarten of darling nursery school, parents also need to value the child's mood and disposition progress. Below the collective care of the parent and teacher, children can get used to nursery school life better, education goes active up, the individual character of affable enthusiasm.

Pass game study

In nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten, passing game study is education darling interest and cognitive good method. Nursery school teacher can carry multiform game, guide children to learn all sorts of knowledge and skill, foster them start work ability and imagination.

As a whole, what darling of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten needs the parent and teacher in growing process is collective caress and care. The Yo of hope above experience can give parents a few inspire, let children grow happily in health of phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten.

Thank you to read the article, hope these experience can help you.

