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高蛋白饮食: 在增肌过程中,蛋白质是建立肌肉的重要营养物质。因此,要保证每餐摄入足够的蛋白质,如鸡胸肉、鱼肉、豆类等。而且可以适量增加一些优质的脂肪,如牛油果、橄榄油,来提供能量。

控制碳水化合物: 碳水化合物是身体提供能量的主要来源,但摄入过多会导致体重增加。因此,在增肌期间,要控制碳水化合物的摄入量,尤其是精制的碳水化合物,如白米饭、面包等,可以选择全谷类食物来替代。


力量训练: 增肌的关键是进行合理的力量训练。要选择适量的重量,进行每组8-12次的训练,以达到肌肉力量和体积的增长,而不是增加脂肪含量。

有氧运动: 有氧运动不仅可以帮助我们消耗多余的脂肪,还可以增加心肺功能。但要控制有氧运动的时间和强度,避免长时间低强度的有氧运动,以免造成肌肉流失。


充足睡眠: 足够的睡眠是肌肉恢复和生长的关键,建议每天保持7-8小时的睡眠时间,让身体有足够的休息来适应训练的刺激。

避免过度训练: 虽然训练对于增肌很重要,但也要避免过度训练造成身体疲劳和肌肉流失的情况。合理安排训练计划,给肌肉充足的恢复时间。






Fitness can help us keep healthy not only, still can model better type of build or figure. But the concern when a lot of people are undertaking flesh trains adding adds overmuch weight. We are discussed today, if where,add muscle while the problem that avoids weightening finish.

Reasonable food

High protein food: In the process that add muscle, protein is to build sarcous important nurture is qualitative. Accordingly, want to make sure every eat absorbs enough protein, the brisket that be like chicken, cruelly oppress, legume. And OK and right amount increase a few high grade adipose, be like bovine oil fruit, olive oil, will provide energy.

Control carbohydrate: Carbohydrate is the main source that the body provides energy, but absorb overmuch meeting to bring about gain weight. Accordingly, during adding muscle, want to control the intake of carbohydrate, the carbohydrate that refines especially, wait like rice meal, biscuit, can choose complete corn edibles to replace.

Science trains

Force trains: The key that adds muscle is to undertake reasonable force trains. Want to choose right amount weight, undertake every groups of 8-12 second training, in order to achieve the growth of muscle strength and bulk, is not to add adipose content.

Have oxygen campaign: Motion having oxygen can help us use up not only redundant adipose, still can increase heart lungs function. But the time that should control movement having oxygen and intensity, avoid long the motion having oxygen of low intensity, lest cause muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year.

Reasonable rest

Enough sleep: Enough sleep is the key that muscle restores and grows, the proposal holds the Morpheus time of 7-8 hour everyday, let the body enough rest will get used to the stimulation of training.

Avoid excessive training: Although training is very important to adding muscle, but the situation that also should prevent excessive training to cause body exhaustion and muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year. Reasonable arrangement trains a plan, give the refreshment with enough muscle time.


Train through reasonable food, science and reasonable rest, we can avoid the problem of weightening finish in the process that adds muscle. Remember, add flesh to not be equal to weightening finish, the training that should have specific aim only and reasonable food are adjusted, you can achieve the healthy goal adding muscle of 0 weightening finish completely.

Thank you to read the article, hope these experience can help you. If you have any problems or experience is shared, also welcome to discuss in comment area and our communication.

