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Yo the distinction of elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife

Yo elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife are to be in postpartum nurse the professional that there is main effect in the domain, but their duty differs somewhat. Yo the daily life that elder brother's wife basically is in charge of taking care of darling, include to nurse, Morpheus, wash protect and recreation, also help the parent solve Yo at the same time problem, offer Yo proposal. And lunar elder brother's wife is more dedicated restore to attend with housework at the puerpera's body, the preparation that includes confinement food, housework is done and postpartum body restores nurse. Accordingly, although they are in postpartum there is main effect in nursing, but duty division of labor is different.

Yo the firewood fulfil pay of elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife

In firewood fulfil respect, yo the pay of elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife also differs somewhat. Generally speaking, the firewood fulfil of lunar elder brother's wife is taller, because lunar elder brother's wife needs to have more professional knowledge and technical ability, for instance cooking, postpartum restore to massage etc, and assumed household job is more also. And Yo the firewood fulfil of elder brother's wife is relatively a few more inferior, but also can mix according to working experience, skill of working content different and somewhat difference.

How to choose appropriate Yo elder brother's wife or lunar elder brother's wife

Choosing Yo when elder brother's wife or lunar elder brother's wife, parent need decides appropriate person selected according to his demand and circumstance. If be right of darling attend daily need more attention, the Yo that can choose major elder brother's wife; If be more outstanding to the demand of the puerpera's body and housework, can choose professional lunar elder brother's wife. In addition, consider the aptitude of personnel and experience even, can serve in order to ensure for what the family offers major and take care of.

Through understanding Yo the duty division of labor of elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife and firewood fulfil pay, parents can choose to suit the professional paramedic of him family demand better, the health that is darling thereby grows and the puerpera's body restores to provide strong support.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand Yo better the distinction of elder brother's wife and lunar elder brother's wife, and how to choose appropriate paramedic.

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