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1. 如何保持健康的饮食习惯?


2. 如何预防老年痴呆?


3. 退休后如何保持社交活动?


4. 如何应对突发状况?


5. 长期坐着对健康的影响?


6. 如何正确使用药物?


7. 健康的睡眠习惯?


8. 疼痛管理的建议?


9. 如何保护视力?


10. 应对心理压力的方法?





Common sense of old people life uncovers secret greatly: 10 common problems are solved

Regular meeting of middling of old people life encounters problem of a few common sense, how to keep healthy for instance, how should wait a moment to breaking out a state. The common problem in life of a few old people is solved below, the hope can provide a few helps to you.

1.How to hold healthy dietary convention?

To old people, the dietary convention that keeps healthy is attached most importance to especially should. Should absorb} of fruit of} of food of {tall fiber, {vegetable} , {to wait more, avoid to absorb tall salt, high in syrup, tall adipose food.

2.How to prevent old age gawkish?

Precaution is senile and gawkish besides maintaining good habits and customs, still can exercise} , {to attend the means such as social activity} to increase cognitive capacity through {cerebra, prevent the happening of gawkish disease.

3.How does social activity carry after retiring?

The means such as} of activity of community of} of interest class} , {volunteer activity, {can attend to carry social activity through {after retiring, know new friend, abound oneself life.

4.How to answer sudden state?

Old people should learn {urgent appeal} of phone} , common sense of {emergency treatment, also want to maintain certain {body to exercise} at ordinary times, increase the capacity that answers sudden state.

5.Sitting for a long time to be opposite healthy influence?

Sitting for a long time to be able to increase the risk such as} of disease of {heart and vessels, {fat} , {osteoporosis} , old people should notice} of {right amount motion, time rise activity.

6.How to use remedy correctly?

Old people should follow the doctor's proposal when use medicaments, cannot change medicaments dosage at will or stop drug, want to notice} of {medicaments interaction and {medicaments save} at the same time.

7.Healthy Morpheus is used to?

Old people should notice to maintain} of {law work and rest, create the Morpheus environment} with a comfortable {, avoid to drink and drink tea overmuch, conduce to the Morpheus quality of stimulative health.

8.The proposal of ache management?

Old people often can face the problem such as backache of articulatory ache, waist, can massage the method such as the} , pose} with good {to alleviate through} of {hot compress, {aching.

9.How to protect vision?

Old people should notice {avoids to use eye} , {for long to check eyesight} , {to use radiation-proof glasses} to wait regularly, had protected oneself vision.

10.Answer the method of psychological pressure?

Old people can exercise} , {to listen to the means such as musical} , {and family communication} to alleviate through {fitness psychological pressure, maintain mood stability.

The solution of hope above problem can help you, the care of many sided of senile life need and take care of, the habits and customs that keeps good is crucial to health.

Thank you read, hope these information can bring a few helps for your life.

