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  • 成都IFS:这里汇聚了各种高端品牌、餐饮美食和娱乐场所,是时尚达人们不可错过的打卡地。
  • 春熙路:这里是成都最繁华的商业街之一,夜晚更是灯火辉煌,各种酒吧、茶馆、餐厅让您尽情享受都市的繁华。
  • 太古里:古典与现代交融的街区,夜幕降临时灯火通明,各种时尚餐厅和个性小店林立。



  • 火锅:成都是火锅之都,各种传统川味火锅和时尚创意火锅遍布全城,无论是本地人还是游客都会被其魅力深深吸引。
  • 小吃夜市:各种传统小吃夜市如锦里、宽窄巷子等,让您流连忘返,感受成都的地道美食文化。
  • 国际美食:成都不仅有本地美食,还能品尝到来自世界各地的美食,从意大利披萨到法国大餐,应有尽有。


除了娱乐场所和美食, 成都的夜生活还有各种特色活动,让您的夜晚更加精彩。

  • 锦里古街夜景:夜晚的锦里古街犹如穿越回古代,璀璨的灯光和古色古香的建筑,让您感受到成都的古韵。
  • 川剧变脸表演:在成都欣赏地道的川剧变脸表演,是一次难忘的体验。
  • 露天音乐节:成都每年都会举办各种露天音乐节,让您在户外尽情享受音乐与狂欢。




Guideline of Chengdu night life

Chengdu, regard the culture of southwest as center and travel resort, its night life stands tourist and native fully all the time fix eyes upon. No matter be cate of public place of entertainment, meal or characteristic activity, chengdu can satisfy all sorts of different requirement. Those who let us expose secret Chengdu night life together is wonderful, introduce the recreational night come or flow together of Chengdu in detail for you.

Public place of entertainment

The night life place of Chengdu is varied, arrive from luxurious nightclub small endowment bar, all without exception offers the alternative of rich and colorful for tourists.

  • Chengdu IFS: Cate of all sorts of high end brands, meal and public place of entertainment gathered together here, it is the ground playing card that vogue amounts to people to cannot be missed.
  • Chun Xi road: Here is one of business streets with the busiest Chengdu, night is lights more brilliant, all sorts of bar, cafes, dining-room makes what you enjoy city to the top of one's bent flourishing.
  • In remote antiquity: Classic with contemporary blending block, brightly lit of the lights when curtain of night arrives, small shop of all sorts of fashionable dining-room and individual character is bristly.

Meal cate

The cate of Chengdu night is enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave making a person more, have authentic plain food not only, still have the cate that comes from world each district.

  • Chaffy dish: Chengdu is chaffy dish, plain flavour chaffy dish and fashionable originality chaffy dish spread all over all sorts of traditions whole town, no matter be native or tourist,meet be attracted deeply by its glamour.
  • Fastfood night fair: All sorts of traditional and fastfood night fair if bright and beautiful in, size alley child wait, allow your forgetting to return, experience the pure cate culture of Chengdu.
  • International cate: Chengdu has this locality cate not only, return the cate that can taste savor to come from world each district, wrap around from Italy Sa arrives French big eat, have everything that one expects to find.

Characteristic activity

Besides public place of entertainment and cate, the night life of Chengdu still has all sorts of characteristic activities, the night that lets you is more wonderful.

  • Bright and beautiful in ancient street night scene: Of night bright and beautiful in ancient street is just as pass through an ancient time, the lamplight of bright and antique building, let you experience the Gu Yun of Chengdu.
  • Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile is performed: Pure Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile is admired to perform in Chengdu, it is unforgettable experience.
  • Outdoor music division: Chengdu can run all sorts of outdoor music red-letter days every year, let your outdoors be enjoyed to the top of one's bent music and orgiastic.

No matter you dote on lively and flourishing nightclub, still like quiet small endowment bar, chengdu can satisfy your requirement. Here, night never stops, night life never go to bed.

Thank you to read this article, what rare this guideline can help you understand better and enjoy Chengdu night life is wonderful. Wish you spend happy night in Chengdu!

