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杭州市上城区教育局 - 优质教育资源的整合和服务英文双语对照


杭州市上城区教育局 - 优质教育资源的整合和服务英文双语对照













Bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city: Devote oneself to to provide outstanding education resource

Bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city, teach an executive authority as the place, assuming the city zone on conformity and service to teach the main responsibility of resource. Have deep love for the education, hot earth that pays attention to education as, bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city devotes oneself to to provide outstanding educational resource all the time, stimulative education is balanced develop, provide better growing environment for student and teacher.

Conformity of educational natural resources and optimize

Bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city teachs resource through conformity, devote oneself to to optimize educational layout and resource configuration. It plans through making the education inside area, make overall plans the school distributings and major is installed, team of reasonable configuration teacher, drive the balanced allocation that what teach resource, those who realize natural resources of high grade education is the biggest change use.

The persons qualified to teach grooms and course is built

Teach quality and education level to rise, the persons qualified to teach that bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city pays attention to a teacher grooms and course is built. Through beginning of all kinds education to groom activity, organization teaching grinds activity, establish course leader team, promote the education of the school quality and course competition ability, provide the knowledge that has competition ability more and technical ability for the student.

Teach environmental improvement and program

To build favorable educational environment, bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city advances what the improvement that learns facilities of land of v/arc drill ground and urban education plan actively to carry out. It pays close attention to the education of the school to establishment is built and teach equipment to deploy, participate in at the same time on education of the city zone plans make, ensure the city teachs development to accord with the development need of economic society.

Domestic school collaboration and student develop

Bureau of education of the city zone on Hangzhou city advocates domestic school cooperation, strengthen the communication between the school and family and cooperation, pay close attention to full-scale development of the student. It is met through beginning the parent, activity of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers, strengthen the attention of the individual character development to the student and mental health, create the environment that healthy joy grows for the student.

Acknowledgment everybody reads the article, the hope teachs the pertinent information of the bureau through introducing the city zone on Hangzhou city, the conformity of educational natural resources that can help everybody understand the city zone on Hangzhou city deep more and service, provide more choice and support for the parent and student.

