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Darling feed

The feed of darling is the problem that every parents should face. The mother breeds feed and recipe grandma feed have advantages and disadvantages each, answer to select right feed kind according to the particular case of darling. The mother breeds feed can provide rich nourishment, enhance the immune power of darling, but recipe grandma feed is more convenient, and can let parents partake better feed responsibility. Should ensure reasonable feed amount and frequency, prevent feed excess too little perhaps.

Darling nurses

Of darling nurse involve a lot of aspects, include to bathe, change clip of diaper, fingernail to wait. When darling bathes, should maintain room temperature appropriate, bathe with Wen Shui and wipe quickly catch a cold in case. Change diaper to want to maintain diaper to empty feel well, avoid the happening of diaper rash. Want when giving darling clip nail scrupulous, lest hurt the delicate skin to darling.

Darling health

The healthy problem of darling gets attention fully, every parents can encounter the common disease such as calorific, cold, diarrhoea. Seasonable newer vaccinal have an inoculation is the important safeguard of darling health. When darling falls ill, the food that wants advertent baby and rest, those who avoid aggravating darling is unwell. In the meantime, fixed check-up and grow development is evaluated also is very important.

Darling education

The inchoate education of darling grows to its far-reaching. Should give darling adequate care and company, develop good habits and customs and behavior habit. When darling is a few more largish, can begin a few increase appropriately wisdom game and illuminative education, the development of the acknowledge of stimulative darling and the gift of tongues.

The Yo that passes article introduction knowledge, believe parents can answer Yo better all sorts of challenges in the process, the health that is darling grows offer more scientific, closer take care of and teach.

