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Han Dan, be located in Heibei the province is mid, it is a town that fills historical lasting appeal and culture details. Here has a lot of famous travel tourist attractions, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person, experience the glamour of China history culture deeply.

Museum of Han Dan city

In museum of Han Dan city, you can appreciate rich historical cultural relic and precious culture bequest. The exhibition inside museum is rich, the precious cultural relic such as the pottery and porcelain of period of the bricky carve of the bronze ware that includes period of many age the Warring States, Chinese generation, Tang Song, let you as if pass through days, experience historical vicissitudes of life and changes.

Always decide area of river ecology travel

Always deciding area of river ecology travel is the bright phearl of a bright of Han Dan city, here has advantaged natural view, clear river water, winding bank, relaxed and happy letting a person. You can choose to roam at the bosom of nature to the top of one's bent here, enjoy quiet with halcyon.

Grotto of countryside of large kitchen of music week county

Grotto of large kitchen countryside is located in ministry of southeast of music week county, it is one place dimensions the grotto with baronial, distinctive color group. Here grotto is numerous, configuration each different, sculpture is elegant and exquisite, it is one of important delegates of art of Chinese northward grotto. Here, you can appreciate the distinctive glamour of art of Chinese ancient time and religious photograph union.

Relics of ancient city of vast seat of government

Relics of ancient city of vast seat of government is located in always year the village of big Ma Fang of area city northeast, it is one place saves in good condition archaic city relics. Here, you can experience the prosperity of politics of area of Dan of Han of period of age the Warring States, economy, and at that time the wisdom of people and laborious.

These travel tourist attractions of Han Dan can bring the force of deep historical culture to you undoubtedly, make you right the civilization 5000 is having China to know and be comprehended brand-newly. No matter you are historical lover, natural scene,be confused or home of artwork ancient bronze mirror, han Dan can satisfy you to be opposite all expectation of the journey.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope through these wonderful travel the tourist attraction is recommended, more helps and happy experience can be brought when Han Dan travels for you.

