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The history that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine teachs

Education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine serves as an of long standing and well established course, get the edification of Chinese traditional culture, its history but before date from comes thousands of years. Education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is to pass the means of division apprentice inheritance to undertake at first, cure person be handed down from ancient times,

The characteristic that modern doctor of traditional Chinese medicine teachs

As the changes of the times and the standardization that medicine teachs, education of modern doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is while inheritance traditional Chinese medical science is classical, also introduced modern medicine theory and technology, combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine for what the student provides comprehensive system education. The pupil learns drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine not only classical literature, still need to master basic medical knowledge and clinical skill.

The challenge that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine teachs

On one hand, if where the marrow of medicine of traditional Chinese medical science of the inheritance in contemporary education system, let while the student is accepting modern medicine knowledge, the medicine in can understand deep and applying is academic, it is the serious challenge that education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine faces. On the other hand, education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine also needs to face medicine to teach the trend of internationalization, promote international traditional Chinese medical science educational consequence and competition ability.

The innovation that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine teachs

To answer a challenge, education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is undertaking a series of innovation are carried out. For example, promote the digitlization education of knowledge of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and online education, strengthen the education between international and research cooperation,

The future that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine teachs

As process of internationalization of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine quicken and combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine treat mode gain ground increasingly, education of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine will value internationalization eye shot and diversity talent education more. Also will pay attention to the inheritance of culture of tradition of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and innovation more,

Thank you to read the article, the history that the hope teachs through the article can know a traditional Chinese medical science in the round more, characteristic, challenge and future develop way.
