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Xi'an: Recreational recreation famous scenic spot

Xi'an, having long history and the city that abound culture as, it is culture ancient city not only, it is a famous scenic spot that fills recreational recreation fun more. In Xi'an, you can experience ancient time and contemporary perfect confluence, enjoy the recreational recreational activities of rich and colorful.

The brigade of cate culture

Xi'an is famous city of Chinese history culture, also be cate at the same time. In Xi'an, you can sample all sorts of pure Shaanxi cate, for instance famousHotpot bubble steamed bun, appetizingThe flesh places steamed bun, sweet and not of be bored withCool skinEtc. Besides traditional cate, xi'an still has all sorts of fashionable cate streets and characteristic dining room, let you sampling cate while, also experienced recreational with enjoy.

Historical historic site is visited

AsThe Silk Roadstart, xi'an owns numerous historical place of historic interest, for instanceMilitary forces tomb figure, Wild goose tower, City wallEtc. Here, you can appreciate the building style and features of different history period and culture bequest, experience the glamour of old culture, the massiness that learns the history and a long time ago.

Natural scene admires analyse

Besides historical culture, xi'an still is having beautiful natural view. You can be located in with heading for south Xi'an of outskirtHua Qingchi, experience the fresh air over there and beautiful the natural beauty of lakes and mountains. In addition, still haveQin Ling, Beautiful scene doorAnd other places, vegetation is dense, the scenery is beautiful, it is people plays the good place that go vacationing.

Contemporary recreational activities

In Xi'an, contemporary recreation establishment also is rich diversity. You can head for all sorts of culture art perform, attend the show such as concert, modern drama, comic dialogue, experience artistic beauty; Also can arriveLarge shopping center, Fashionable blockShop, experience shopping fun.

The place on put together is narrated, xi'an is having the cate of rich and colorful, deep history culture not only, still having natural scene and contemporary recreational activities. Come Xi'an, resembling is field and one history, with the natural, wonderful encounter with modern culture, let you have a good swim the beauty of ancient capital, enjoy recreational recreational fun to the top of one's bent.

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