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The summer is burning hot, children health needs to pay close attention to

The summer, torrid weather brought a lot of hidden trouble to the health of children, wait like heatstroke, dehydrate, dermatitis. And the strength of children is relative weaker, get easily the influence of summertime weather. Accordingly, parents need to pay close attention to children to be in particularly healthy problem of the summer.

Dietary health care, from water begin

Summertime weather is torrid, children appears easily dehydration phenomenon. Parents should notice to make the child much water, especially after outdoors activity perhaps moves, want to remind the child right amount and compensatory water is divided. In addition, eat a few fruits more, wait like watermelon, Hami melon, also be the good method of compensatory moisture.

Reasonable arrangement is outdoors mobile time

In burning hot summer, avoid to let time of children at noon insolate to fall in sunshine. The proposal chooses to be in in the morning or dusk period of time has outdoors activity, should have done to the child at the same time prevent bask in the job, include daub to prevent bask in frost, dress to breathe freely light clothing.

Prevent children heatstroke

Heatstroke is the one big hidden trouble of summertime children health, parents should cause enough attention. Below high temperature weather, avoid to let the child expose as far as possible fall in sunshine, maintain indoor air conditioning at the same time or of electric fan ventilated drop in temperature, in order to reduce sweltering happening.

Dress is comfortable the clothings that breathe freely

Choose the cotton qualitative clothing and other articles of daily use with good permeability, avoid to choose the dress with synthetic fibre simple material as far as possible, let the child also can experience cool and refreshing tactility in burning hot summer.

Keep wholesome, prevent dermatitis

The summer appears easily the skin problem such as eczema, prickly heat, after parents are bathing to the child, should wipe the body in time, especially crapy place, hold relaxed and dry position, prevent the happening of dermatitis disease.

Altogether, the summer is the period that children health needs to pay close attention to particularly. Through reasonable food arrangement, proper outdoors activity timeline, sunstroke prevention drops in temperature wait for a method, children of OK and effective safeguard are in summertime health. Hope above little common sense can be brought to parents a few inspire, make children healthy in summer grow happily.

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